[antlr-interest] Can I get rid of these warnings?

Silvain Piree s.piree at enneya.com
Wed May 29 05:58:18 PDT 2002

You've probably specified something like:

    returns [something]
    : ..... 

Just remove the returns [...] clause and you're problem is gone.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kjell Nilsson 
  To: antlr-interest at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 2:49 PM
  Subject: [antlr-interest] Can I get rid of these warnings?

  I have a grammar that generates some sort of a calulator. There are some 
  functions in the calculator that i have java functions to resolve. 

  The function sum(foo, ../bar) is resolved like this
  line 273-275
  | #(SUM s1:expr s2:expr) {r = calculateSum(s1.getText(),s2.getText());}
  | KEYIDSTRING {r = lookupKeyString(expr_AST_in.getText());}
  | RELATIVEKEYIDSTRING {r = lookupRelativeKeyString(expr_AST_in.getText());}

  but here I get this warning

  ParserGenerator/AntCalc.g:273: warning:Rule 'expr' returns a value
  ParserGenerator/AntCalc.g:273: warning:Rule 'expr' returns a value

  The generated code works fine so I think I can be safe to use it but is there an easy way to 
  avoid them.

  Thanks for any hints

  The grammar looks like this

  header {
  package se.oops.o2.infospace.data;
  import java.math.*;
  import java.io.*;
  import com.webobjects.foundation.*;
  import se.oops.o2.infospace.util.*;

  class CalcParser extends Parser;
  options {
  codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 3;
  codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 4;
  ASTLabelType = "antlr.CommonAST"; 

  calculate: assignExpr SEMI! ;

  assignExpr: multExpr ( 
  pm: (PLUS^ | MINUS^)
  me: multExpr 
  exception catch [ RecognitionException ex ] { 
  System.out.println("Caught error in assignExpr");
  } )* ;

  multExpr: postfixExpr ( ( MULT^ | DIV^ | MOD^ | UP^) postfixExpr )* ;

  postfixExpr: absFunc | acosFunc | asinFunc | atanFunc | cosFunc | expFunc 
  | invFunc | logFunc | sinFunc | sqrtFunc | tanFunc | powFunc 
  | sqrFunc | cubeFunc | maxFunc | minFunc | decFunc | calculateSum | atom ;

  absFunc: ABS^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  acosFunc: ACOS^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  asinFunc: ASIN^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  atanFunc: ATAN^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  cosFunc: COS^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  expFunc: EXP^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  invFunc: INV^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  logFunc: LOG^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  sinFunc: SIN^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  sqrtFunc: SQRT^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  tanFunc: TAN^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  sqrFunc: SQR^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  cubeFunc: CUBE^ LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  powFunc: POW^ LPAREN! assignExpr COMMA! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  maxFunc: MAX^ LPAREN! assignExpr COMMA! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  minFunc: MIN^ LPAREN! assignExpr COMMA! assignExpr RPAREN! ;
  decFunc: DEC^ LPAREN! assignExpr COMMA! unsignedInteger COMMA! unsignedInteger RPAREN! ;
  atom: signedNumber | ID | EEE | PI | LPAREN! assignExpr RPAREN! | variable;

  signedNumber: unsignedNumber | MINUS^ unsignedNumber;
  unsignedNumber: unsignedInteger | unsignedReal ;
  unsignedInteger: NUM_INT ;
  unsignedReal: NUM_REAL ;

  dummy: DOT | DOTDOT ;


  class CalcLexer extends Lexer;

  options {
  caseSensitive = true;
  caseSensitiveLiterals = true;

  tokens {
  SUM = "sum";
  VAR = "var" ;
  ABS = "abs" ;
  ACOS = "acos" ;
  ASIN = "asin" ;
  ATAN = "atan" ;
  COS = "cos" ;
  EXP = "exp" ;
  INV = "inv" ;
  LOG = "log" ;
  SIN = "sin" ;
  SQRT = "sqrt" ;
  TAN = "tan" ;
  SQR = "sqr" ;
  CUBE = "cube" ;
  POW = "pow";
  MAX = "max";
  MIN = "min";
  DEC = "dec";
  EEE = "E" ;
  PI = "pi" ;

  WS: (' ' |'\t' | '\n' | '\r') { _ttype = Token.SKIP; } ;

  ID options { testLiterals = true; }
  : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') (ID_CHAR)* ;

  DIGIT : '0'..'9';

  ID_CHAR : 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' |'_' | DIGIT ;

  ID_PART : (ID_CHAR)+ ( '.' (ID_CHAR)+)* '@' (DIGIT)+ ;


  RELATIVEKEYIDSTRING : '.' ('.')? '/' ID_PART ('/' ID_PART)* ;

  {boolean isDecimal=false;}
  : ( '0' {isDecimal = true;} // special case for just '0'
  | ('1'..'9') ('0'..'9')* {isDecimal=true;} // non-zero decimal
  // only check to see if it's a float if looks like decimal so far
  ( { LA(2)!='.' && LA(3)!='.' && isDecimal}?
  ( '.' ('0'..'9')* (EXPONENT)?
  { _ttype = NUM_REAL; }

  LPAREN: '(' ;
  RPAREN: ')' ;
  MINUS: '-' ;
  PLUS: '+' ;
  MULT: '*' ;
  DIV: '/' ;
  MOD: '%' ;
  UP: '^' ;
  COMMA: ',' ;
  SEMI: ';' ;

  // a couple protected methods to assist in matching floating point numbers
  : ('e') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+


  class CalcTreeWalker extends TreeParser;


  ////////// Start special functions ///////////////////////////////////////////

  public String answer;
  public Object delegate;

  public String answer() {
  return answer;

  public void setAnswer(String value) {
  answer = value;
  if (delegate != null) {
  Object[] keys = { "Sender" };
  Object[] objects = { this };
  NSDictionary dict = new NSDictionary(objects, keys);
  try {
  //Object result = DelegateUtility.performMethodWithDelegate("parserDidAnswer", delegate, dict);
  } catch (Exception ex) {

  public Object delegate() {
  return delegate;

  public void setDelegate(Object value) {
  delegate = value;

  public double lookupKeyString(String string) {
  String result = "0";
  System.out.println("lookupKeyString: " + string);
  if(true) return 8.0;
  if (delegate() != null) {
  Object[] keys = { "Sender" , "KeyString" };
  Object[] objects = { this , string };
  NSDictionary dict = new NSDictionary(objects, keys);
  try {
  //result = (String) DelegateUtility.performMethodWithDelegate("parserWantsValueForKeyString", delegate, dict);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
  return new BigDecimal(result).doubleValue();

  public double lookupRelativeKeyString(String string) {
  String result = "0";
  System.out.println("lookupRelativeKeyString: " + string);
  if(true) return 7.0;
  if (delegate() != null) {
  Object[] keys = { "Sender" , "KeyString" };
  Object[] objects = { this , string };
  NSDictionary dict = new NSDictionary(objects, keys);
  try {
  //result = (String) DelegateUtility.performMethodWithDelegate("parserWantsValueForRelativeKeyString", delegate, dict);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
  return new BigDecimal(result).doubleValue();

  public double calculateSum(String repetitionKeyString, String relativeKeyString) {
  String result = "0";
  System.out.println("rep: \"" + repetitionKeyString + "\" rel: \"" + relativeKeyString + "\"");
  if(true) return 47.0;
  if (delegate() != null) {
  Object[] keys = { "Sender", "RepetitionKeyString", "RelativeKeyString" };
  Object[] objects = { this, repetitionKeyString, relativeKeyString };
  NSDictionary dict = new NSDictionary(objects, keys);

  try {
  //result = (String) DelegateUtility.performMethodWithDelegate("parserWantsCalculatedSum", delegate, dict);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
  return new BigDecimal(result).doubleValue();

  public double functionDec(double value, double decimals, double rounding) {
  BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(value);
  if (rounding < 0 || rounding > 6) rounding = BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN;
  if (decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
  result = result.setScale((int)decimals, (int)rounding);
  return result.doubleValue();

  ////////// End special functions ///////////////////////////////////////////


  expr returns [double r]
  double a,b,c;
  : #(PLUS a=expr b=expr) {r = a+b;}
  | (#(MINUS expr expr))=> #(MINUS a=expr b=expr) {r = a-b;} | #(MINUS a=expr) {r = -a;} 
  | #(MULT a=expr b=expr) {r = a*b;}
  | #(DIV a=expr b=expr) {r = a/b;}
  | #(MOD a=expr b=expr) {r = a%b;}
  | #(UP a=expr b=expr) {r = Math.pow(a,b);}
  | #(ABS a=expr) {r = Math.abs(a);}
  | #(ACOS a=expr) {r = Math.acos(a);}
  | #(ASIN a=expr) {r = Math.asin(a);}
  | #(ATAN a=expr) {r = Math.atan(a);}
  | #(COS a=expr) {r = Math.cos(a);}
  | #(EXP a=expr) {r = Math.exp(a);}
  | #(INV a=expr) {r = 1/a;}
  | #(LOG a=expr) {r = Math.log(a);}
  | #(SIN a=expr) {r = Math.sin(a);}
  | #(SQRT a=expr) {r = Math.sqrt(a);}
  | #(TAN a=expr) {r = Math.tan(a);}
  | #(SQR a=expr) {r = a*a;}
  | #(CUBE a=expr) {r = a*a*a;}
  | #(POW a=expr b=expr) {r = Math.pow(a,b);}
  | #(MAX a=expr b=expr) {r = Math.max(a,b);}
  | #(MIN a=expr b=expr) {r = Math.min(a,b);}
  | #(DEC a=expr b=expr c=expr) {r = functionDec(a,b,c);}
  | #(SUM s1:expr s2:expr) {r = calculateSum(s1.getText(),s2.getText());}
  | KEYIDSTRING {r = lookupKeyString(expr_AST_in.getText());}
  | RELATIVEKEYIDSTRING {r = lookupRelativeKeyString(expr_AST_in.getText());}
  | EEE {r = Math.E;}
  | PI {r = Math.PI;}
  | ni: NUM_INT {r = (double)Double.parseDouble(ni.getText());}
  | nr: NUM_REAL {r = (double)Double.parseDouble(nr.getText());}

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