[antlr-interest] help needed with nondeterminism errors. Thanks in advance!

Sharon Li hushlee83 at yahoo.com.sg
Thu Feb 20 15:01:40 PST 2003

ok, I tried it but it still gives me the non-determinism error at the modules rule. But thanks anyway :)
 Alan Oursland <alan at oursland.net> wrote:I think most of the time I see the error "between alt 1 and exit branch of
block" it is fixed by making a kleene star group greedy.

Does this change fix it?

parameters returns [String params="";]{String exp=""; String subexp="";}
: (exp = expression {arrayCount++;}) ((COMMA{exp+=",";}) (options
{greedy=true;}: (subexp = expression){exp+=subexp; arrayCount++;}))*
params = exp;
System.out.println("in parameters rule, parameters : "+params);

-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon Li [mailto:hushlee83 at yahoo.com.sg]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 1:46 AM
To: antlr-interest at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [antlr-interest] help needed with nondeterminism errors. Thanks
in advance!

the error occured at the modules rule
Sharon Li wrote:
sorry guys I just realized to my horror that I've not stated the error :
ANTLR Parser Generator Version 2.7.0 1989-2000 MageLang's jGuru.com
lfile.g.txt:426: warning: nondeterminism upon
lfile.g.txt:426: between alt 1 and exit branch of block
Sharon Li wrote:
Hello all,
Could anyone please help me with some nondeterminism errors?
Thanks in advance!
/******** fraction of parser *********************/
/**NOTE: Pls ignore the returning of values coz thats already handled *****/
/**Sorry for pasting in such a huge chunk of code =P **/
productions : (production)+;
production : strictPred conditional (YIELD | OYIELD) successor;
strictPred : formalModules;
formalModules: formalModule+;
formalModule : ((symbol) (LPAREN formalParameters RPAREN)) => (symbol)
(LPAREN formalParameters RPAREN)
| symbol ;
formalParameters : formalParameter (COMMA formalParameter)*;
formalParameter : NAME;
conditional : COLON condition;
condition : (TIMES) => TIMES
| expression
successor : modules
| (TIMES) => TIMES ;
symbol returns [String sym] {sym = null;}
System.out.println("Symbol is: "+d.getText());
sym = d.getText();
System.out.println("Symbol is: "+a.getText());
sym = a.getText();
| (DOT {sym=".";}) | (COMMA {sym=",";})| (SEMI {sym=";";})
| (PLUS {sym="+";}) | (MINUS{sym="-";}) | (NOT{sym="!";}) |
(DIVIDE{sym="/";}) | (POW{sym="^";})
| (MOD{sym="%";}) | (LOGOR{sym="||";}) | (AND{sym="&";}) |
(LOGAND{sym="||";}) | (EQUAL{sym="==";})
| (QUESTION{sym="?";}) | (UNDERSCORE{sym="_";}) | (ASSIGN{sym="=";})
| (OYIELD{sym="-o>";}) | (YIELD{sym="-->";})
modules : (module)+;
module : (smbol) LPAREN (parameters) RPAREN ;
parameters returns [String params="";]{String exp=""; String subexp="";}
: (exp = expression {arrayCount++;}) ((COMMA{exp+=",";}) ((subexp =
expression){exp+=subexp; arrayCount++;}))*
params = exp;
System.out.println("in parameters rule, parameters : "+params);

number returns [String num="";]
: ((n:NUMERIC {num = n.getText();}) | (d:DIGIT {num = d.getText();}));
word returns [String word="";]
: ((name:NAME {word = name.getText();}) | (a:ALPHA {word =

exp1 returns [String e1] {e1="";String exp="";String numb=""; String w="";}
: (numb = number)
e1 = numb;
| (w = word)
System.out.println("name is : "+w);
e1 = w;
String literal = lit.getText();
e1 = literal;
System.out.println("string literal: "+literal);

| (e1=function)
System.out.println("function is : "+e1);
| LPAREN (exp=expression) RPAREN
e1 = "("+ exp +")";
| /* empty */
catch[RecognitionException e]{
System.out.println("error occured in rule exp1 !!");

exp2 returns [String e2="";] {String strg="";}
: (
( PLUS {System.out.println("operator +"); e2 += "+";}
| MINUS {System.out.println("operator -"); e2 += "-";}
| TIMES {System.out.println("operator *"); e2 += "*";}
| DIVIDE {System.out.println("operator /"); e2 += "/";}
| MOD {System.out.println("operator %"); e2 += "%";}
| POW {System.out.println("operator ^"); e2 += "^";}
| (NOT {System.out.println("operator !"); e2 += "!";})
(ASSIGN{System.out.println("operator !="); e2 = "!=";} )?
| LOGOR {System.out.println("operator ||"); e2 += "||";}
| LOGAND {System.out.println("operator &&"); e2 += "&&";}
| EQUAL {System.out.println("operator =="); e2 += "==";}
| LT {System.out.println("operator <"); e2 += "<";}
| GT {System.out.println("operator >"); e2 += ">";}
| LTE {System.out.println("operator <="); e2 += "<=";}
| GTE {System.out.println("operator >="); e2 += ">=";}
| QUESTION {System.out.println("operator ?"); e2 += "?";})
(strg=exp1{e2+=strg;}) ((COLON{e2 += ":";}) (strg=exp1{e2 += strg;}))?
(strg=exp2{e2 += strg;}))* ;
catch[RecognitionException e]{
System.out.println("error occured in rule exp2 !!");
expression returns [String expression="";]{String expre1=""; String
: (expre1=exp1) (expre2=exp2)
expression = expre1 + expre2;
catch[RecognitionException e]{
System.out.println("error occured in rule expression !!");
/**** fraction of lexer ****/
ALPHA : ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' );
DIGIT : ('0'..'9');
STRING_LITERAL : '"'! ('"' '"'! | ~('"'))* '"'!

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