[antlr-interest] Keywords with whitespaces

Gunnar Wagenknecht <kreismeister at yahoo.de> kreismeister at yahoo.de
Mon Jan 27 13:35:21 PST 2003


Any tips on how to recognize keywords with whitespaces? I think the 
literals options is not enough because it will match words as 
keywords that arn't keywords if not followed by another word.

example: "begin" (WS)+ "sequence" is _ONE_ keyword but only "begin" 
or "sequence" is handled as identifyer.

I'd like to try the following but get a lot of warnings.

ID options { 
	testLiterals = false; // we don't test for literals because 
all are defined here!
	  "announce"            { $setType( ANNOUNCE         );}
	| "as" (WS)+ 	( "anytype" 	{ $setType(AS_VARIANT); }
					| "array"		{ 
$setType(AS_ARRAY); }
						( (WS)+ "of" (WS)+ (
		{ $setType(AS_ARRAY); }
						 	| "array"
		{ $setType(AS_ARRAY_ARRAY); }
							| "character"
	{ $setType(AS_CHARACTER_ARRAY); }
							| "class"
		{ $setType(AS_CLASS_ARRAY); }
							| "codeblock"
	{ $setType(AS_BLOCK_ARRAY); }
							| "date"
		{ $setType(AS_DATE_ARRAY); }
	| "enumeration"	{ $setType(AS_ENUM_ARRAY); }
		                    | "logical"		{ $setType
		                    | "numeric"		{ $setType
		                    | "object" 		{ $setType
		                    | "string" 		{ $setType
		                    | "usual" 		{ $setType
					| "character"	{ $setType
					| "class"		{ 
$setType(AS_CLASS); }
					| "codeblock"	{ $setType
					| "date"		{ 
$setType(AS_DATE); }
					| "enumeration"	{ $setType
(AS_ENUM); }
                    | "logical"		{ $setType(AS_LOGICAL); }
                    | "numeric"		{ $setType(AS_NUMERIC); }
                    | "object" 		{ $setType(AS_OBJECT); }
                    | "string" 		{ $setType(AS_CHARACTER); }
                    | "usual" 		{ $setType(AS_CHARACTER); }
	| "begin" (WS)+ "sequence"   { $setType( BEGINSEQ         );}
	| "break"               { $setType( BREAK            );}
	| "case"                { $setType( CASE             );}
	| "catch"               { $setType( CATCH            );}
	| "declare"             { $setType( DECLARE          );}
	| "do"                  { $setType( DO               );}
		( (WS)+ (
		  	"case"          { $setType( 
DOCASE           );}
			| "while"       { $setType( 
DO_WHILE         );}
			( (WS)+ 
			  	"with" 		{ $setType( 
	| "else"                { $setType( ELSE             );}
	  	( "if"              { $setType( ELSEIF           );}
	| "end"                 { $setType( END              );}
	| "endcase"             { $setType( ENDCASE          );}
	| "enddo"               { $setType( ENDDO            );}
	| "endif"               { $setType( ENDIF            );}
	| "enumeration"         { $setType( ENUM             );}
	| "exit"                { $setType( EXIT             );}
		( (WS)+ (
		  	  "function"    { $setType( 
HB_EXIT_FUNC     );}
			| "procedure"   { $setType( 
HB_EXIT_PROC     );}
	| "external"            { $setType( EXTERN           );}
	| "field"				{ $setType( 
FIELD            );}
	| "for"                 { $setType( FOR              );}
		( (WS)+
		  "each"         	{ $setType( 
FOREACH          );}
	| "function"            { $setType( FUNCTION         );}
	| "global"              { $setType( GLOBAL           );}
		( (WS)+ "external"  { $setType( EXTERNGLOBAL     );}
	| "hb_inline"			{ $setType( 
HB_INLINE        );}
	| "if"                  { $setType( IF               );}
	| "iif"					{ $setType( 
IIF              );}
	| "in" (WS)+			{ $setType(IN); }
	| "init" (WS)+ (
		  "function"    	{ $setType( 
HB_INIT_FUNC     );}
		| "procedure"   	{ $setType( 
HB_INIT_PROC     );}
	| "line"				{ $setType(LINE); }
	| "local"               { $setType( LOCAL            );}
	| "loop"                { $setType( LOOP             );}
	| "memvar"              { $setType( MEMVAR           );}
	| "next"                { $setType( NEXT             );}
	| "nil"					{ $setType(NIL); }
	| "optional"			{ $setType(OPTIONAL); }
	| "otherwise"           { $setType( OTHERWISE        );}
	| "parameters"          { $setType( PARAMETERS       );}
	| "private"             { $setType( PRIVATE          );}
	| "procedure"           { $setType( PROCEDURE        );}
	| "public"              { $setType( PUBLIC           );}
	| "qself"				{ $setType(QSELF); }
	| "recover"             { $setType( RECOVER          );}
		( (WS)+ "using"    	{ $setType( 
	| "return"              { $setType( RETURN           );}
	| "static"              { $setType( STATIC           );}
		( (WS)+ (
			  "function"  	{ $setType( 
			| "procedure" 	{ $setType( 
	| "step"				{ $setType(HB_STEP); }
	| "text"                { $setType( HB_TEXT          );}
	| "to"					{ $setType(HB_TO); }
	| "try"                 { $setType( TRY              );}
	| "while"               { $setType( WHILE            );}
	| "with"				{ $setType( 
HB_WITH          );}
		((WS)+ "object" 	{ $setType( 
WITHOBJ          );}
	| "_hb_"
	 	( "class"           { $setType( DECLARE_CLASS    );}
		| "member"          { $setType( DECLARE_MEMBER   );}
	| "_procreq_"           { $setType( PROCREQ          );}
	| "_field"		{ $setType(FIELD); }
	| "_get"		{ $setType(GET); }
	| ('a'..'z'|'_'|'?') ('a'..'z'|'_'|'?'|'0'..'9')* 


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