[antlr-interest] Re: help with a logical query-like expression grammar

Brian Smith brian-l-smith at uiowa.edu
Wed Mar 5 16:01:43 PST 2003

Well, try something like this fragment (untested). The idea is that each 
rule will return an instance of a class in your already-defined class 
hierarchy. So, the start rule (the entry point into the grammar) will 
return an object that represents the entire parsed input.

expr	returns [Expr result = null]
	{	Expr rhs = null; }
	:	result=mexpr (AND rhs=expr { result = new Operator(
                                              result, rhs); }
                              |OR  rhs=expr { result = new Operator(
                                              result, rhs); }

mexpr returns [Expr result = null]
	{ Expr rhs = null; }
	:	result=atom (EG rhs=atom { result = new Operator(
                                                result, rhs); }
                             |GT rhs=atom { result = new Operator(
                                                result, rhs); }
                             |LT rhs=atom { result = new Operator(
                                                result, rhs); }

atom returns [Expr result = null]
	: id:ID       { result = new Variable(id.getText()); }
         | LPAREN result=expr RPAREN

Michael Hartman wrote:
> Thanks.
> I'm afraid that this a bit more than I need though.  Plus, I'm new to
> ANTLR and language recognition so this is fairly difficult for me grasp.
> This is what I have so far.  Stripped down from what I originally posted.
> class FilterParser extends Parser;
> options {
>   k=4;
> }
> expr
> 	:	mexpr ((AND|OR) mexpr)*
> 	;
> mexpr
> 	:	atom ((EG|GT|LT) atom)+
> 	;
> atom
>   :	ID
>   | LPAREN expr RPAREN
> 	;
> class FilterLexer extends Lexer;
> WS	:	(' '
> 	|	'\t'
> 	|	'\n'
> 	|	'\r')
> 		{ _ttype = Token.SKIP; }
> 	;
> LPAREN:	'('
> 	;
> RPAREN:	')'
> 	;
> AND:	"AND"
> 	;
> OR: "OR"
> 	;
> GT: '>'
>   ;
> LT: '<'
>   ;
> EG: '='
>   ;
> ID
>   : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')+
>   ;
> --- In antlr-interest at yahoogroups.com, Brian Smith
> <brian-l-smith at u...> wrote:
>>Please see the attached example. It is the beginning of an 
>>ANTLR/Java-based parser for grammars defined in the standard IEEE BNF 
>>notation. It parses the BNF expressions into an abstract syntax tree 
>>defined by a class hierarchy. It is by no means complete but it is a 
>>small and simple example. This example isn't exactly what you asked for 
>>but I think it might help. Let me know if you have any questions.
>>I have included the object model as well. The classes are actually 
>>defined in a programming language called Nice (nice.sf.net). Nice is is 
>>its own programming language, but it runs on the JVM. You can think of 
>>it also as Java with multiple dispatch (ala MultiJava, Cecil, CLOS), 
>>parametric polymorphism, closures, funtions, and other extra features. 
>>it is designed to be similar and compatible with Java, so it should be 
>>simple enough to figure out what it does by reading it (in particular, 
>>read bnf.g and ast.nice).
>>- Brian
>>Michael Hartman wrote:
>>>I need a grammar to describe logical query-like expression like the
>>>kinds you'd see in a SQL WHERE clause.  For example,
>>>A = 1
>>>A = 1 AND B >= 2
>>>A = 1 AND (B <= 2)
>>>A = 1 AND (B != 2 OR C = 3)
>>>A = 1 AND (B = 2 AND NOT (C = 3 OR D = 4))
>>>where A, B, C, and D would be identifiers and 1, 2, 3, and 4 would be
>>>values (essentially quoted strings or numbers but again, just
> identifiers)
>>>I don't need to evaluate these expressions but rather parse them into
>>>an object model I have.
>>>I can't seem to make the mental connection as to where in the parser
>>>or lexer I make calls to my object model to create and associate
>>>objects that represent the elements of the expression.
>>>For example, A = 1 would translate into an instance of type Expression
>>>with an object of type Operator representing the equals sign.  Another
>>>Expression would represent B <= 2 and yet another would represent the
>>>whole expression A = 1 AND B <= 2 with Operator representing the AND
>>>and two references to the first two Expression instances.
>>>I'm not a computer scientist and I've reviewed the ANTLR doc and
>>>samples but it is very difficult to grasp.  
>>>THis is what I have so far:
>>>class FilterParser extends Parser;
>>>    :   
>>>    ;
>>>class FilterLexer extends Lexer;
>>>LPAREN:	'('
>>>	;
>>>RPAREN:	')'
>>>	;
>>>EQUALS: '='
>>>  ;
>>>NOTEQUALS: "!="
>>>  ;
>>>GT: '>'
>>>  ;
>>>GTE: '>='
>>>  ;
>>>LT: '<'
>>>  ;
>>>LTE: '<='
>>>  ;
>>>AND: "AND"
>>>  ;
>>>OR: "OR"
>>>  ;
>>>  ;
>>>  ;
>>>options {
>>>	testLiterals = true;
>>>	:	('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*
>>>	;
>>>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 
>>package org.brianlsmith.bnf.parser;
>>import org.brianlsmith.bnf.*;
>>import java.io.*;
>>public class ParserTest {
>>    public static void main(String [] args) throws
> FileNotFoundException, IOException,
>>            antlr.ANTLRException {
>>        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
>>        try {
>>            BnfLexer lexer = new BnfLexer(fis);
>>            BnfParser parser = new BnfParser(lexer, true);
>>            java.util.List rules = parser.grammar();
>>            for (java.util.Iterator i = rules.iterator();
> i.hasNext(); ) {
>>                Rule r = (Rule) i.next();
> System.out.println(org.brianlsmith.bnf.dispatch.prettyprintRule(r));
>>            }
>>        } finally {
>>            fis.close();
>>        }
>>    }
>>header {
>>    package org.brianlsmith.bnf.parser;
>>    import org.brianlsmith.bnf.*;
>>class BnfParser extends Parser;
>>    public BnfParser(TokenStream lexer, boolean mustBeTrue) {
>>        this(filterLexer(lexer));
>>        tokenNames[BnfParserTokenTypes.EOF] = "end of file";
>>    }
>>    private static TokenStream filterLexer(TokenStream lexer) {
>>        final antlr.TokenStreamBasicFilter filter = new
> antlr.TokenStreamBasicFilter(lexer);
>>        filter.discard(BnfParserTokenTypes.WS);
>>        return filter;
>>    }
>>    private static final EpsilonExp epsilon = new EpsilonExp();
>>grammar     returns [java.util.List l = new java.util.ArrayList();]
>>            { Production r; }
>>            : ( r=rule  { l.add(r); } )+
>>            ;
>>rule        returns [Production r = null]
>>            : n:NAME EQUALS { Exp e; } e=exp SEMI { r = new
> Production(n.getText(), e); }
>>            ;
>>exp         returns [Exp e = null]
>>            : e=concatExp  ( { Exp tl; } OR tl=exp    { e = new
> ChoiceExp(e, tl); } )?
>>            ;
>>concatExp   returns [Exp e = null]
>>            : e=groupedExp ( { Exp tl; } tl=concatExp { e = new
> ConcatExp(e, tl); } )?
>>            ;
>>groupedExp  returns [Exp e = null]
>>            : LBRACKET e=exp RBRACKET   { e = new OptionalExp(e); }
>>            | LBRACE e=exp   RBRACE     { e = new RepeatedExp(e); }
>>            | LPAREN e=exp   RPAREN
>>            | n:NAME                    { e = new
> RefExp(n.getText());    }
>>            | EPSILON                   { e = epsilon;       }
>>            | s:STRING                  { e = new
> StringExp(s.getText()); }
>>            ;
>>class BnfLexer extends Lexer;
>>options {
>>    charVocabulary = '\u0000'..'\uFFFE';
>>protected LETTER : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z');
>>NAME             : (LETTER)+;
>>EPSILON options { paraphrase="'#'"  ; } : '#';
>>LBRACE        options { paraphrase="'{'";  }  : '{';
>>RBRACE        options { paraphrase="'}'";  }  : '}';
>>LPAREN        options { paraphrase="'('";  }  : '(';
>>RPAREN        options { paraphrase="')'";  }  : ')';
>>LBRACKET      options { paraphrase="'['";  }  : '[';
>>RBRACKET      options { paraphrase="']'";  }  : ']';
>>EQUALS        options { paraphrase="'='";  }  : '=';
>>SEMI          options { paraphrase="';'";  }  : ';';
>>OR            options { paraphrase="'|'";  }  : '|';
>>WS          options { paraphrase="whitespace"; }
>>    :   ( ' ' | '\t' | '\f'
>>        | ( '\n' (options {greedy=true;} : '\r')?
>>          | '\r' (options {greedy=true;} : '\n')?
>>          ) { newline(); }
>>        )+
>>        ;
>>// This is taken directly from the OCL 1.4 specification.
>>// The bad thing is that it should be using Unicode (and decimal or
> hex) escapes!!
>>// difficult syntax to understand: "\12345" -> "\123" "45", "\67890"
> -> "\67" "890"
>>// Thus the reason for use of the greedy option.
>>STRING options { paraphrase="a string literal"; }
>>    :      '"' ( QUOTED_CHARACTER | '\'' )* '"'
>>    ;
>>// Note that QUOTED-CHARACTER doesn't allow single OR double quotes.
>>                   : (~( '\'' | '"' | '\r'  | '\n' | '\\' ))
>>             | '\\' ( ( '\'' | '"' | 'n' |  'r'  | 't'  |  'b' | 
> 'f' | '\\' )
>>                | OCTAL_DIGIT
>>                  (options {greedy=true;} : OCTAL_DIGIT)?
>>                  (options {greedy=true;} : OCTAL_DIGIT)?
>>                )
>>                   ;
>>protected OCTAL_DIGIT: '0'..'7'
>>        ;
>>package org.brianlsmith.bnf;
>>public class Grammar {
>>    final HashMap<String, Production> productions;
>>public class Production {
>>    final String name;
>>    final Exp    definition;
>>public abstract class Exp  { }
>>public abstract class AtomicExp extends Exp { }
>>public abstract class ExpContainer extends Exp {
>>    final Exp fst;
>>    final Exp snd;
>>public abstract class ExpWrapper extends Exp {
>>    final Exp exp;
>>public class StringExp extends AtomicExp {
>>    final String text;
>>public class ConcatExp extends ExpContainer { }
>>public class ChoiceExp extends ExpContainer { }
>>public class RefExp extends AtomicExp{
>>    final String ruleName;
>>public class OptionalExp extends ExpWrapper {
>>public class RepeatedExp extends ExpWrapper {
>>public class EpsilonExp extends AtomicExp { }
>>package org.brianlsmith.bnf;
>>String paren(Exp container, Exp e) =
>>    precedence(container) > precedence(e)
>>        ? "( " + prettyprint(e) + " )"
>>        : prettyprint(e)
>>        ;
>>String prettyprint(Exp e);
>>prettyprint(s at StringExp)  = s.text;
>>prettyprint(s at RefExp)     = s.ruleName;
>>prettyprint(s at EpsilonExp) = "\u1d75";
>>prettyprint(c at ChoiceExp)  = prettyInfix(c, " | ");
>>prettyprint(c at ConcatExp)  = prettyInfix(c, " ");
>>prettyprint(c at OptionalExp)= "[ " + prettyprint(exp(c)) + " ]";
>>prettyprint(c at RepeatedExp)= "{ " + prettyprint(exp(c)) + " }";
>>String prettyprintProduction(Production r);
>>prettyprintProduction(r) {
>>    String prefix = name(r) + " = ";
>>    return prefixedChoice(definition(r), prefix) + '\n'
>>        + spaces(prefix.length() - 2) + ";\n";
>>String toString(StringBuffer s) = native String StringBuffer.toString();
>>String prefixedChoice(Exp e, String prefix);
>>prefixedChoice(e, prefix) = prefix + prettyprint(e);
>>prefixedChoice(e at ChoiceExp, prefix) {
>>    return prefixedChoice(fst(e), prefix) + '\n'
>>         + prefixedChoice(snd(e), spaces(prefix.length() - 2) + "| ");
>>private String prettyInfix(ExpContainer c, String op) {
>>    return paren(c, fst(c)) + op + paren(c, snd(c));
>>String spaces(int n) {
>>    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(n);
>>    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) sb.append(' ');
>>    return sb.toString();
>>package org.brianlsmith.bnf;
>>int precedence(Exp e);
>>precedence(s at AtomicExp)     = 100;
>>precedence(r at ExpWrapper)    = 100;
>>precedence(c at ConcatExp)     = 50;
>>precedence(c at ChoiceExp)     = 25;
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