[antlr-interest] Please help a newbie!

Peter Ashford kaffiene at xtra.co.nz
Tue Aug 3 20:32:12 PDT 2004

Richard Clark wrote:

>On Aug 3, 2004, at 15:06, Peter Ashford wrote:
>>Ah... I did wonder if I might have been using the AST gratutiously just
>>because I didn't understand the basics properly :o)  If I can bug you
>>some more - how would I go about parsing the expressions without using
>>the tree?
>Look at Terrence's "beginner's tutorial" -- it shows an expression 
>parser w/o a tree walker.

Thanks for that - I've gone through an refactored my grammar to only use 
the one parser and it works fine (a bit simpler too for my simple 
purposes :o))

And so now I 've reached my next problem :o)

I've added variable assignments to the grammar but they don't work.  The 
scanner reports unexpected char on the first character of an identifier 
(e.g. "myval = 123" => "line 1:1: unexpected char 'm'")

I noticed the documentation talks about the testLiterals options, but 
I've used that and it doesn 't seem to help.

- here's the parser rule:

    { float f; }
            : i:ID EQ f=f_expr                 { assignTo(i->getText(),
    f); }

And here's the lexer rule:

    ALPHA  : ('a'..'z' 'A'..'Z');

    options {
      paraphrase = "an identifier";
      testLiterals = true;
           : ALPHA (ALPHA | DIGIT)*;

The whole grammar is printed below:


header {
    extern void assignTo(std::string id, float value);   

options {
    genHashLines = true;  

class MyParser extends Parser;

script returns [std::string value]
{std::string s; }
        : (assign)* s=result               { value = s; }     
{ float f; }
        : i:ID EQ f=f_expr                 { assignTo(i->getText(), f); }

result returns [std::string value]
{float f;}
        : RESULT EQ f=f_expr               { char buf[127];
                                             sprintf(buf,"%f", f);
                                             value = std::string(buf); }

f_expr returns [float value=0]
{float f;}
        : value=f_mexpr
          (   PLUS  f=f_mexpr              { value += f; }
            | MINUS f=f_mexpr              { value -= f; }

f_mexpr returns [float value=0]
{ float f; }
        : value=f_atom (   MULT f=f_atom   { value *= f;} 
                         | DIV  f=f_atom   { value /= f;}
f_atom returns [float value=0]  
{ float f; }
        : n:NUMBER                         { value = (float) 
atof(n->getText().c_str()); }
        | LPAREN f=f_expr RPAREN           { value = f; }

class MyLexer extends Lexer;

options {
    k=2;                               // needed for newline junk
    charVocabulary='\u0000'..'\u007F'; // allow ascii

LPAREN : '(' ;
RPAREN : ')' ;
PLUS   : '+' ;
MINUS  : '-' ;
MULT   : '*' ;
DIV    : '/' ;
EQ     : '=' ;

RESULT : "result";

DIGIT  : ('0'..'9');

ALPHA  : ('a'..'z' 'A'..'Z');

options {
  paraphrase = "a number";
       : (DIGIT)+ ( | ('.' (DIGIT)*));

options {
  paraphrase = "an identifier";
  testLiterals = true;
       : ALPHA (ALPHA | DIGIT)*;

options {
  paraphrase = "a quoted string";
       : '"'! (~'"') '"'!;

COMMENT: "//" (~'\n')* '\n' {_ttype = 

WS     : ( ' '
         | '\r' '\n'
         | '\n'
         | '\t'
         {_ttype = ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)Token::SKIP;}

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