[antlr-interest] Basic Grammar (Literal / Lexer)

Craig Main craig at palantir.co.za
Mon Jun 20 03:07:14 PDT 2005



I have a basic grammar with conditional statements specified as follows.

Hopefully I am on the right track here.

I am creating a simple expression and rule parser.


I have specified the logicalOr as LogicalAnd ("or" LogicalAnd)*


When I try and put the literal "or" in the lexer (where one assumes it
should be) I get a non determinism between or and an identifier (which is a
c style identifier). What is the correct way to specify the literal "or"
without interfering with the other lexer elements, or should the "or" remain
in the parser?






rules                   : (statement STATEMENT_SEP)* EOF


statement               : assignment_statement 

                        | constant_declaration

                        | condition


assignment_statement    : ID ASSIGN expression 


constant_declaration    : "const" ID ASSIGN atom


condition               : "if" LPAREN! conditional_expression RPAREN!

                                  (// CONFLICT: the old "dangling-else"

                                       //           ANTLR generates proper
code matching

                                       //              as soon as possible.
Hush warning.

                                       options {

                                             warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;


                                   : (STATEMENT_SEP)? "else"! statement



conditional_expression  : logicalOr


logicalOr               : logicalAnd ("or" logicalAnd)*


logicalAnd              : equality ("and" equality)*


equality                : relational ((EQUAL | NOT_EQUAL) relational)*


relational              : expression

                          (( LTHAN

                          |  GTHAN

                          |  LTE

                          |  GTE) expression)*


expression              : term ((PLUS|MINUS) term)*


term                    : factor ((MULTIPLY|DIVIDE) factor)*


factor                  : atom (DASH atom)*


atom                    : FLOAT

                        | ID


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