[antlr-interest] Simlpe grammar: Won't run at all.

Gary Bennett gbennett at requisoft.co.uk
Wed May 18 06:38:19 PDT 2005


I'm just starting out with this.

I have this simple grammar (This is the simplest grammar showing the
error that is).

It generates antlr files but they won't run because:

	static public void initializeASTFactory( ASTFactory factory )
		factory.setMaxNodeType(5); <<-- ArgumentException.

Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong.

Many thanks.

// Basic Grammar 

options {
	language = "CSharp";

class TestParser extends Parser ;

options {
	buildAST = true;	// uses CommonAST by default

name: NAME ;

class TestLexer extends Lexer;

WS	:	(' '
	|	'\t'
	|	'\n'
	|	'\r')
	{ $setType(Token.SKIP);}

NAME: 'a'

class TestWalker extends TreeParser ;

name: nm:NAME
			Console.WriteLine(" Name: {0}", nm.getText() ); 


Gary Bennett
Software Developer
Requisoft plc 

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