[antlr-interest] ANTLRWorks 1.0ea4 available!

eric nelson wirecracker at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 02:20:38 PDT 2005

Thanks for your hard work on this Jean :) I should mention though that I
have so far had some trouble using it. I downloaded the latest version
today, and at startup a java.g grammar file loaded automatically. Is that
java.g file valid? Is it an ANTLR 3.0 grammar? I don't know the difference
to be honest (kinda new), but I am getting an error when I try to generate
 "Cannot generate the grammar because:
000:000: syntax error:buildnfa:<AST>:0:0:unexpected end of subtreebuildnfa"
.. etc
 There are numerous red squiggly lines underneath the rule references
throughout the grammar file. In this block:
 // Package statement: "package" followed by an identifier.
options {defaultErrorHandler = true;} // let ANTLR handle errors
: p:"package"^ {#p.setType(PACKAGE_DEF);} identifier SEMI!
 "packageDefinition" is underlined with a red squiggly. I noticed that it
has been labeled or referenced as simply "p" elsewhere, including in the
list of rules and tokens in the region to the left (region 1).
 By the way, I am using Windows XP.
 Oh, and the emacs key bindings that were discussed in the
antlrworks.pdfdon't work; however, the "ctrl + spacebar" does bring up
the autocompletion
list, also "alt + F7" does list usages correctly as far as I can tell ;)
 Any thoughts? Anyone?
  - e

 On 10/22/05, Jean Bovet <antlr-list at arizona-software.ch> wrote:
> Hello!
>  ANTLRWorks 1.0ea4 is now available. It has a lot of new features to make
> your life easier when navigating in the grammar and also some new
> refactoring tools (see the history at the bottom of the e-mail).
>  http://www.antlr.org/works/index.html
>  The ANTLRWorks jar has everything you need including ANTLR 3.0ea6.
>  Feel free to send comments to the antlr-interest list or online at:
>  http://www.antlr.org/misc/feedback
>  Enjoy this new release!
>  Jean Bovet
>  * HISTORY *
>  10/22/05 - version 1.0ea4
>  - find and replace
>  - ideas actions
>  - rule folding (experimental)
>  - duplicates rules are now underlined in blue
>  - undefined rules are now underlined in red
>  - rules can now be grouped and displayed in a tree view
>  - auto-indentation
>  - show decision DFA (using DOT tool defined in the preferences)
>  - replace literal with token label
>  - remove left recursion (one or all)
>  - insert rule from template
>  - new analysis column displaying the location and kind of
>  errors and warnings
>  - support Perforce SCM commands
>  - console moved from Window menu to project's window
>  - improved console with events list
>  - refactored the main menu bar
>  - remove collapse/expand actions (will reintroduce them later)
>  - improved drag and drop visual feedback (can now drop below
>  or above a rule)
>  - improved auto-completion (context sensitive)
>  - removed duplicate names in auto-completion
>  - current line is now highlighted
>  - display line and column number in bottom status bar
>  - HOME/END key move to beginning/end of line
>  - can now navigate backward/forward
>  - rules have now icon in the tree view
>  - go to rule now move the cursor to the beginning of the rule
>  instead of selecting it
>  - new toolbar
>  - prefs: auto-save every n minutes
>  - prefs: syntax coloring parser delay
>  - prefs: can now specify the colors of each type of token in
>  the debugger input text panel
>  - prefs: can specify rule folding (experimental yet)
>  - include a pre-version of ANTLR 3.0ea6
>  - fixed a bug where a new document created on Windows would not
>  be correctly colorized
>  - fixed several visual bugs on Windows and Linux
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