[antlr-interest] Can't find template tokenRefBangTrack.st

David Holroyd dave at badgers-in-foil.co.uk
Sun Aug 13 09:17:48 PDT 2006

On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 06:57:46PM +0000, David Holroyd wrote:
> however I still get the "Can't find template matchSetTrack.st" error.

I've been digging around, trying to delete various bits of the grammar to
make the error go away.  On a whim I deleted all the -> rewrite rules,
and the error changed.  So, I've just been going though putting them
back a few at a time trying to see which one causes the error.

Seems it was this production:

methodDefinition[AST mods]
	:	'function' ('get'|'set')? IDENT
		-> ^(METHOD_DEF {$mods} $methodDefinition)

If I remove the rewrite rule, I don't get the "Can't find template
matchSetTrack.st" error (however I get a different error, related to the
lexer code gen, I think).

Can anyone point out my mistake?



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