Re: 回复: Re: [antlr-interest] token position detection problem

Martin Probst mail at
Tue May 2 11:58:55 PDT 2006

> As showed on the attached picture, in the 4th line "	 
> System.out.println(8);", the position of '8'
> is detected as line = 4, column=28,the only TAB character before  
> "System" is conted as 8 spaces; I
> made an exact  same text by copy and paste,this time the position  
> of 8 inside method add is
> line=17, column=24, the TAB inside is counted as 4 correctly.

I might be mistaken (no ANTLR source tree at hands) but aren't you  
supposed to do:
"setTabWidth(4);" before starting to parse? E.g.

Parser myParser = new Parser();

I think you're setting it every time you encounter a tab, but only  
after actually consuming the tab. This way, the first tab will always  
be mistaken, subsequent ones will be read correctly.


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