[antlr-interest] ANTLR3 question

John B. Brodie jbb at acm.org
Mon Nov 6 13:11:59 PST 2006


>I'm working with the latests ANTLR release and with this rules:

This version of your grammar works just fine for me (v3 3.0b4):

grammar t;
options { output=AST; ASTLabelType=MyAST; }

startRule : attribute_arguments EOF;

attribute_arguments: '{' (positional_argument_list? |
(positional_argument_list ',' named_argument_list) |
named_argument_list) '}';

positional_argument_list: (positional_argument) (',' positional_argument)*;

positional_argument: attribute_argument_expression;

named_argument_list: (named_argument) (',' named_argument)*;

named_argument: identifier '=' attribute_argument_expression;

attribute_argument_expression: expression;

        :       literal

        :       'true' | 'false'
        |       INTEGER_LITERAL
        |       REAL_LITERAL
        |       'character'
        |       'string'
        |       'null'

identifier : IDENTIFIER ;

IDENTIFIER : ('a'..'z')+ ;
REAL_LITERAL : (UINT '.' UINT?) | ('.' UINT) ;

fragment UINT : ('0'..'9')+ ;

// Whitespace -- ignored
WS : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\f' | '\r' | '\n' )+ { channel=99; };

// single-line comments
        ( options { greedy=false; } : . )*
        ( '\r' | '\r\n' | '\n' )
        { channel=99; }

// multiple-line comments
        ( options {greedy=false;} : . )*
        { channel=99; }

I suspect that maybe you were alittle too agressive in trying to trim the
problem for posting... (or I got my grammar wrong ;-)

I suspect that your bigger grammar has expressions that involve an
identifier. If so, this probably would lead to an ambiguity on the COMMA the
separates the positional_argument_list from the named_argument_list, altho k=4
should probably be big enuf to take care of that.

Hope this helps... but probably not ;-(    maybe post another example?

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