[antlr-interest] First post, possible ANTLR 2.7.6 bug

Foolish Ewe foolishewe at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 19 15:00:57 PDT 2006

Hello All:

I've just done the Antlr mailing list registration, I hope the moderator 
will contact me
if for some reason this message is not approved.

Tihs message seeks to address a few questions about a project I'm working 

1)  I think I may have encountered a bug in Antlr 2.7.6 (same version as in 
the original posting)
    (it may be just be that there is some code generation setting or lexer 
option settting
     that I'm overlooking, that would be a great help).  Please consider the 
following example
*******************BEGIN example.g********************************
//My play area for diagnosing strange ANTLR symptoms
//Version History: 1.0 WAM created

// WAM - Need to add some boilerplate to let Antlr generated files know that 
they are part of the ZTestParser package
package testing;

class P extends Parser;

// Parser options
k = 2; // Token stream lookahead, remember ANTLR uses LL(k) parsing

// Antlr requires Terminals have names beginning with uppercase letters, 
Nonterminals should use lowercase I guess
strval:NONEMPTYALPHASTRING nl:NEWLINE // breaks if the user types in "dun\n" 
where \n is newline
optionala1:optA b:B
optionala2:optA c:C


class L extends Lexer;

// Lexer options
k=7; // lookahead (need 2 for new line)
charVocabulary='\u0000'..'\u007F'; // Only support printable ASCII 
characters, don't try fancy unicode stuff
// case sensitivitity turned off

   :   '\r' '\n'    {newline();}        // DOS
   |   '\r'         {newline();}        // Macintosh
   |   '\n'         {newline();}        // UNIX

WHITESPACE :   ' '  {$setType(Token.SKIP);} // space character
            | '\t' {System.out.println("Found a tab"); tab(); 

MONTH: ("jan" | "feb" | "mar" | "apr" | "may" | "jun" | // MMM (month)
"jul" | "aug" | "sep" | "oct" | "nov" | "dec");

NONEMPTYALPHASTRING: ('a'..'z')+; // Probably needs testliteral check
********************END example.g********************************
For ease of replication, I have attached a Java source driver:
*******************Begin Main.java*********************************
package testing;
import java.io.*;

public class Main {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Enter a string for the test parser (note this is for 
simple ANTLR test cases)");

L lexer = new L(new DataInputStream(System.in));

System.out.println("After lexer instantiated before Parser instantiation");
P parser = new P(lexer);
System.out.println("After Parser instantiation before StartRule");
System.out.println("After startRule: Done?");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.err.println("exception: "+e);

Running the example gives the following trace (all tracing was enabled):
Enter a string for the test parser (note this is for simple ANTLR test 
After lexer instantiated before Parser instantiation
After Parser instantiation before StartRule
>startRule; dun
>lexer mMONTH; c==d
< lexer mMONTH; c==u
exception: line 1:2: expecting 'e', found 'u'
I think this happens because of the code generation, which appears (on the 
surface) to
check to see if LA(i) matches the ith letter of any MONTH alternative, 1 <= 
i <= 3 via bitmaps.
However, this is just a heuristic, and not a sure test that the lexeme is 
indeed a MONTH
alternative, so "d" matches the prefix of dec, while "un" matches the suffix 
of "jun".

Please correct me if I'm wrong here, are there any suggested work arounds?
I'm reluctant to make separate rules for each alternative, because I've seen 
the lexer
follow wrong alternatives in grammars when I've tried adding "helper" rules, 
so I try
to stick to literals on the RHS of lexer grammars.  If there is someway to 
tell the lexer
that a  lexer rule is not associated with a legitimate terminal, but just a 
subrule to make
writing the scanner easier, I'd like to hear it.

2) On a side note a colleague and I discovered (over a nice cup of coffiee) 
that left factoring
  does solve a problem I unsuccessfully tried to submit to the list 
ie--mail, so using a rule like:

  startRule: opta:optA ( b:B {System.out.println("Got optA B");} | c:C  
{System.out.println("Got optA C");});
  gets around this (I'm still not clear on why a larger lookahead didn't 
allow recognition of the
  original grammar, is it inherent in LL(k) parsing theory or is it an 
implementation limitation?).
  If anyone could point me to a reference or give a quick explanation, I'd 
appreciate it.


Bill M. (Sorry but my last name is too unique and generates a lot of spam)

These opinions are my own and do not reflect in any way on my employer

	 	From: "Foolish Ewe" <foolishewe at hotmail.com>
To: antlr-interest at antlr.org
CC: FoolishEwe at hotmail.com
Subject: Handling optional tokens as prefixes in productions
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 21:31:19 +0000

Hello All:

I've tried Antlr for a small project over the last few days, and so far it 
has been good.
However, I'm having a problem with an optional prefix that is specified in 
the language
I'm parsing, and I don't know whether:
1) LL(k) parsers can handle such a construct (although I hope so, so that I 
can use ANTLR)
2) If they can handle such a construct, what is the right way to pose the 
grammar for them

Consider the following (simple) example using ANTLR pseudocode, if you need 
complete ANTLR source for the example let me know and I'll try to post it.

.// Lexer rules,  use case insensitive lexemes
A: 'A' | 'a';
B: 'B' | 'b';
C: 'C' | 'c';
// Usual White space and new line stuff were in the code but are omitted 

Now my parser has the rules:
// Uses the optional prefix of A or nothing
startRule // Gets nondeterminism warning from ANTLR, even with k=7 parser 
look ahead
     opta1:optA b:B
     opta2:optA c:C

// This is the parser's rule for the optional prefix
      .// empty

I'm using the windows version from the Source Forge Eclipse plugin at
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=55477 (Antlr 2.5.76).
Is there a way to refactor the grammar to fix this?

Thanks for your help:

Bill M. (sorry my last name is unusual and generates a lot of spam)

Disclaimer:  These opinions and questions are my own and are not those of my 


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