[antlr-interest] how to "eat" something in the parser?

Martin Kortmann email at kortmann.de
Thu Aug 2 08:23:27 PDT 2007


My parser grows and the problems also ;-)
The fileformat that i would like to parse is divided
into sections, each limited by an start and stop symbol.
I like to ignore some of this sections an tried the
following construction:

grammar test;

// start rule
	:	(section | eatthis)*
section	:	START 'section'
		END 'section'
eatthis	:	START 'eatthis'
		END 'eatthis'
START	:	'start';
END	:	'end';
INT	:	('0'..'9')+;
WS	:	(' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};

Testinput is:

start section
end section
start eatthis
 this ist some text to ignore (blubb) [0] {};
end eatthis
start section
end section

The first problem: "eatthis" doesnt work :-(
The second Problem, if it would work, then it should
also work for text like

start eatthis
  start innersection
    start some_other
      forget about everything between start and stop eatthis.
    end some_other
  end innersection
end eatthis

whould someone so nice and put me into the right direction?

Thanks Martin

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