[antlr-interest] (newbie) Unsolved lexer problem

向秦贤 fyaoxy at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 18:25:51 PDT 2007

Hi, from string literal  view your english seem no problem, but I not sure I
so clear get you meaning:)
I newbie antlr too, :) In my practice , I used to check grammar with
interpreter first, then debug it. now can be gunit it. more convene(e18n
if more tokens, I would add fragment limiter, else I let it be.
try try this.

grammar Crazy;

textInTextSymbol:Text ;

name    :NAME;

b26      :'('INT ',' INT ')';

INT      :Decimaldigit+;

NAME: Word ( '_' Word )*;

Text     :(AlphaNumeric|Special|Space|'\'')*;

Word:  '.'* AlphaNumeric+ '.'* ;

Space :' ';

AlphaNumeric :(Uppercase|National|Lowercase);

National     :'#'|'@'|'"'|'$'|'['|']'|'{'|'}'|'^'|'~' ;

CharacterString :'\'' ( options{greedy=false;}: (~('\''|'\r'|'\n')| '\''
'\''))* '\'';

Lowercase       :'a'..'z' ;

Uppercase       :'A'..'Z' ;

Apostrophe   :'\'';


NEWLINE:'\r' ? '\n' {skip();};

WS : (' ' |'\t' |'\n' |'\r' )+ {skip();} ;

2007/8/17, ali azimi <aliaazimi at yahoo.com>:
> Hi,
> Thank you so much for any help you might give me. I have a long grammar
> and tree walker which work fine. However I have some problems at lexer level
> which I have not managed to solve for ages.
> The grammar at the bottom of this page, is a small part of the grammar
> which I have written. When debugging:
> 1) If I give a pair of digit in the form of (x,y), I receive a mismatched
> error. So I need to remove Decimaldigit from Alphanumeric ( which I don't
> want to). If I remove it, and  give the input (x,y) where x or y or both
> of them are a single digit, It gives me mismatched error.
> 2) Rule textinTextSymbol give me mismatched error with any text at any
> time.
> Could you please help me?
> 1) I need my grammar to match (x,y) where x and y are integers which start
> from 0.
> 2)I need my grammar to match texts.
> 3)I need my grammar to match names.
> I appreciate so much.
> Best regards,
> Al
> grammar Crazy;
> textInTextSymbol:Text ;
> name    :NAME;
> b26      :'('INT ',' INT ')';
> Decimaldigit:'0'..'9';
> INT      :Decimaldigit+;
> NAME: Word ( '_' Word )*;
> fragment Special      :('+'|'-'|'!'|'>'|';'|'('|')'|'<'|'='|':'|'?'|'&'|'%'|'.'|'_'|',')+;
> fragment Word:  '.'* AlphaNumeric+ '.'* ;
> Text     :(AlphaNumeric|Special|'.'|'_'|Space|'\'')*;
> fragment Space :' ';
> fragment AlphaNumeric :(Uppercase|National|Lowercase|Decimaldigit);
> fragment National     :'#'|'@'|'"'|'$'|'['|']'|'{'|'}'|'^'|'~' ;
> fragment CharacterString :'\'' ( options{greedy=false;}:
> (~('\''|'\r'|'\n')| '\'' '\''))* '\'';
> fragment Lowercase       :'a'..'z' ;
> fragment Uppercase       :'A'..'Z' ;
> fragment  Apostrophe   :'\'';
> fragment NEWLINE:'\r' ? '\n' {skip();};
> WS : (' ' |'\t' |'\n' |'\r' )+ {skip();} ;
> ------------------------------
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