[antlr-interest] Generated code causes InvalidCastException

Adam Connelly adam.rpconnelly at googlemail.com
Sat Dec 29 23:34:35 PST 2007


I'm trying to write a simple language to use for code generation.  So far
I've got a working recogniser, and am working on a tree parser.  My parser
grammar simply builds an AST and doesn't have any actions - I was going to
do the work in the tree parser.  The problem I'm having is that I have a
rule as follows:

project:    ^(PROJECT ID template+) { Console.WriteLine("project " +
$ID.text + " {"); }

PROJECT and ID are tokens from my parser grammar.  The grammar generates
fine, but when I try to use the tree parser to parse an AST created by my
parser, I get an InvalidCastException which says that it can't cast a
CommonTree to a CommonToken.  The offending line is in project() and is as

ID1 = (CommonToken)input.LT(1);

I'm using the runtime from the Antlr 3.0.1 Source Distribution and the C#
target, and I created and generated both my parsers using ANTLRWorks 1.1.5.

Any help would be appreciated.


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