[antlr-interest] Grammar puzzle....

Lloyd Dupont ld at galador.net
Thu Jul 12 06:13:14 PDT 2007

I try to parse the following input:
3 & 4 + a is c + 4 & 3

with the following grammar:
grammar TreeTest;

options {output=AST;}

expression: logical ;

logical : compare (LOR^ | LAND^ compare)* ;

compare : (additive -> additive)
   ( op=(LT | GT) s=additive -> ^($op $compare $s) )
  | is='is' i=additive -> ^(IS[$is] $compare $i)

additive: multiple ((PLUS^ | MINUS^) multiple)* ;
multiple: atom ((MULT^ | DIV^) atom)* ;

atom :  identifier | INT;

 : ( xaml=ID COLON )? id0=ID
  ( DOT id+=ID )*
  -> ^( ID[$id0] ^( XAMLNS[$xaml] ) ^( ID[$id0] $id0 $id+ )  )

ID : 'a'..'z' + ;
INT : '0'..'9' +;
PLUS :  '+';
MINUS : '-';
MULT :  '*';
DIV : '/';
LAND : '&';
LOR : '|';
LT : '<';
GT : '>';
DOT : '.';
COMMA : ',';
COLON : ':';
WS : (' ' |'\n' |'\r' ) {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;

The parsing stop just before 'is', i.e. I can only parse "3 & 4 + a"
I can't understand why.

What seems even more mysterious to me is, if I simplify my 'identifier' rule to be like that:
identifier: ID;

I could parse all my input.

For the life of me I can't understand why the previous syntax for the 'identifier' rule  prevent 'is' to be parsed....

Any tip?!?!
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