[antlr-interest] Decision can match input such as "DOT ID" using multiple alternative

Lloyd Dupont ld at galador.net
Fri Jul 13 07:26:38 PDT 2007

The compilers tell me. My problem is it's obvious but it *shouldn't be a problem", how can I make ANTLR be happy?

I have a grammar like that

    (atom -> atom)
        (LPAREN expressionList RPAREN -> ^(LPAREN $primary expressionList)) // method call
        // read object DOT property name
        | (DOT ID -> ^(DOT $primary ID)) 
    identifier -> identifier
    // read identifier or class name
        (DOT id1=ID->$(DOT $identifier $id1)) * 
            ((LT identifier GT) => LT id2=identifier GT -> $(GENERIC $identifier $id2))?

now it says there are multiple way to access the tokens ID, and that's true.
howver I assume identifier consume all that it can, and primary will consume only those ID that haven't been consumed by identifier.
(on top of that I generate the same AST in both case...)

Anyway, could some help me to solve this problem?
I need to be able to use ID DOT ID in the 'identifer' property as I need to call this rule in 'LT identifier GT'.
yet I need it in the primary, as I need to access the property of any object....

how can I solve that?!?!
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