[antlr-interest] Display parse tree in Java or C#

Bolek Vrany lenochodpetiprsty at seznam.cz
Fri Nov 9 10:49:38 PST 2007


I have built grammer and a non-tree parser for my language in ANTLRworks 
with ANTLR 3.0.1. It works fine and shows the correct parse tree in 
ANTLRworks for all test cases. Then I generetad Java and C# code for the 
parser and lexer classes. The parser is a descandant of the Parser, 
BaseRecognizer and Object classes.

My question is: how do I traverse the tree in C#? I did not find any way 
to get the parse tree from my parser, not even in the form that's 
displayed in the parse tree window of the ANTLRworks debugger.

The overall goal is integrating the whole parser into MS SQL Server 2005 
using .NET integration and use it there for translation expressions in a 
proprietary language.

Thanks a lot


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