[antlr-interest] Antlrworks 1.1.3 hangs when generating code

Andreas Bartho andreas.bartho at inf.tu-dresden.de
Fri Sep 21 01:59:14 PDT 2007


> Grammar\DMLSQL2>java antlr.Tool DmlSQL2.g
> ANTLR Parser Generator   Version 2.7.7 (20060906)   1989-2005
> DmlSQL2.g:81:1: unexpected token: grammar
> error: Token stream error reading grammar(s):
> DmlSQL2.g:91:1: unexpected char: '@'
> DmlSQL2.g:81:1: rule grammar trapped:
> DmlSQL2.g:81:1: unexpected token: grammar
> TokenStreamException: unexpected char: '@'

ANTLRWorks is for ANTLR v3. You are running ANTLR 2.7.7. The grammar 
syntax has changed from v2 to v3.


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