[antlr-interest] Expression embedded in arbitary Text

Joachim Rosskopf antlr at b0nz0.de
Tue Apr 1 02:21:32 PDT 2008

Hello List,

currently I´m working on a small grammar to build an expression language 
for an ETL tool. This works very nice for the expression ( e.g 
#{foo.bar('test')} ) itself. It gets parsed to the desired AST.

But I´m not able to figure out Lexer/Parser rules, that make it possible 
to embed the expression in arbitary text (e.g. an URI, 
http://www.dom.com/#{res.uri()} ). So every character not consumed by 
the expression should be in one rule.

Can someone please give me an hint? I attached the grammar.
Thank you in advance.

Best regards
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