[antlr-interest] Getting started with Antlr: Resolving a conflicting lexer rule

Carl Crowder carl.crowder at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 10:10:51 PST 2008

I believe using lookahead would work - options { k=2; } 


On 3 Dec 2008, 5:52 PM, "Howard Lewis Ship" <hlship at gmail.com> wrote:

I'm working on an improved property expression language for Tapestry
5.1. My first step was to recreate what T5.0 accepted in the past
(using an ad-hoc parser based on regular expressions).

lexer grammar PELexer;

package propexp;

fragment LETTER
       :       ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z');
fragment DIGIT
       :       '0'..'9';
fragment SIGN
       :       ('+'|'-')?;
LPAREN  :       '(';
RPAREN  :       ')';

       :        '[';
RBRACKET:       ']';

LBRACE  :       '{';
RBRACE  :       '}';

       :       LETTER (LETTER | DIGIT | '_')+;
DEREF   :        '.';
       :       '?.';

RANGEOP :       '.' (options { greedy = true; } : '.');

INT     :       SIGN DIGIT+;
FLOAT   :       SIGN DIGIT?  '.' DIGIT+;

NULL    :       'null';
TRUE    :       'true';
FALSE   :       'false';
THIS    :       'this';

WS      :       (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')+ { skip(); };

My problem is a conflict between FLOAT and RANGEOP in my parser grammar:

parser grammar PEParser;



package propexp;

start   :       expression^ EOF!;

       :       term DEREF expression -> ^(DEREF term expression)
       |       term SAFEDEREF expression -> ^(SAFEDEREF term expression)
       |       term;

term    :       reservedliteral
       |       range
       |       INT
       |       FLOAT
       |       IDENTIFIER
       |       id=IDENTIFIER LPAREN RPAREN -> ^(INVOKE $id)

reservedliteral: NULL | TRUE | FALSE | THIS;

range   :       from=INT RANGEOP to=INT  -> ^(RANGEOP $from $to);

(Obviosly, I've been playing around with this, trying different
options, such as greedy).

Everything works fine except for ranges:

    input: 1..10
line 1:2 required (...)+ loop did not match anything at character '.'
      AST: .10

In other words, I can't get it to see that a RANGE (i.e. "1..10")
should take precedence over a FLOAT (i.e., "1.234") ... it gets as far
as the "1." in a FLOAT, then gags on the extra ".".

I'm at a loss as to fixing this; I've been working through the book
and the FAQ and haven't stumbled over a solution yet.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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