[antlr-interest] Non trivial C# examples

Benjamin Shropshire shro8822 at vandals.uidaho.edu
Sat Feb 16 11:25:49 PST 2008

Thomas Brandon wrote:
> Check out the examples package. Available from the ANTLR download page
> or from http://www.antlr.org/download/examples-v3.tar.gz
> Tom.
Don't take my word choice to seriously but:

WHY THE #$%@#$@ isn't that link on the FRONT PAGE!?!?!?!


That link or a link to some sort of index* to it should be on the front 
page (I think putting it on the top-of-page link bar would be about 
right). Also I think it would be handy to have more examples of minimal 
grammars that demonstrate features. (I rather hope the code for these 
already exist in antlr's test suite.)

Benjamin Shropshire

* "example foo.g shows uses of ___, example bar.g shows use of ____, 
example baz.g uses AST, example pickle.g uses StringTemplate, ..." 
sorted with things that do stuff "the antlr way" at the top.

> On Feb 16, 2008 11:43 AM, Benjamin Shropshire
> <shro8822 at vandals.uidaho.edu> wrote:
>> Does anyone known of where I can find some non trivial working examples
>> of antlr projects done in C#?
>> I'm not looking for projects people have done but stuff that was written
>> specifically to be an example for new users. The examples that are used
>> in the documentation are so trivial that they don't get to what I need
>> and the projects I can find are complicated enough that I can't find the
>> stuff I need.

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