[antlr-interest] [ANTLRWorks][Bug?]

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Fri Jan 25 04:03:45 PST 2008

Hi Jean,

I have meet strange glitch in the Interpreter, I think it is bug.

Steps to reproduce:

* Copy paste this tiny grammar into  VSQL_Parser.g text file

grammar VSQL_Parser;

    k        = 2; 
    output    = AST;

    :    'create' 'table' IDENT EOF

DIGIT   : ('0'..'9');

LETTER     : 'a'..'z';

IDENT    : ( LETTER | '_' ) ( LETTER | '_' | DIGIT )* ;

* open this grammar in the AW,
* go to Interpreter panel

* specify as input         create table tt
* click button RUN,  works fine. We see expected diagram.


* specify as input         create table t
* click button RUN,  Errors in the console about NULL exception.

As far as I see IDENT Lexer rule is correct. So why interpreter failes with
single character IDENT ???

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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