[antlr-interest] Tree Rewrite Caveats

Terence Parr parrt at cs.usfca.edu
Sat Jun 7 10:12:52 PDT 2008

which line is the exception?  on the _last reference? hmm...must have  
a problem with _last in this case.

On Jun 6, 2008, at 4:40 PM, Robin Hamilton-Pennell wrote:

> Terence,
> Not sure what you mean by "first one," but if you are referring to the
> "every (sub)rule that you are rewriting must match a tree node" thing,
> here's a little more info.
> I've been using the tree rewriting stuff for a bit now, so I
> understand it a little better. For my explanation, here's a section of
> my grammar that works fine (I've simplified it a lot, only the
> relevant portions included):
> statement
> 	: ^(EXPR_STATEMENT expr)					-> ^(EXPR_STATEMENT expr)
> 	| ^(BLOCK_STATEMENT basicBlock)				-> ^(BLOCK_STATEMENT basicBlock)
> 	| /*  more statement rules... */
> 	;
> expr	: ^(TYPE expr typeParams)					-> ^(TYPE expr typeParams)
> 	| /*   more tree rewrite rules... */
> 	| literal						
> 	| basicBlock
> 	| /*   more rule references... */
> 	;
> literal
> 	: IntLiteral							-> IntLiteral
> 	| FloatLiteral						-> FloatLiteral
> 	| BoolLiteral						-> BoolLiteral
> 	| StringLiteral						-> StringLiteral
> 	| 'null'								-> 'null'
> 	| /*   more token references... */
> 	;
> This grammar works fine. Note that it's fine for me to rewrite lexer
> (token) references, and tree references, but I don't rewrite rule
> references.
> If, however, I change expr to rewrite a rule reference:
> expr	: ^(TYPE expr typeParams)					-> ^(TYPE expr typeParams)
> 	| /*   more tree rewrite rules... */
> 	| literal									-> literal
> 	| basicBlock
> 	| /*   more rule references... */
> 	;
> ... parsing will always fail with errors like the following:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
> 	at  
> org 
> .antlr 
> .runtime.tree.CommonTreeAdaptor.getChildIndex(CommonTreeAdaptor.java: 
> 173)
> 	at CogTreeRewriter.expr(CogTreeRewriter.java:1469)
> 	at CogTreeRewriter.expr(CogTreeRewriter.java:1294)
> 	at CogTreeRewriter.statement(CogTreeRewriter.java:382)
> 	at CogTreeRewriter.basicBlock(CogTreeRewriter.java:2398)
> 	at CogTreeRewriter.statement(CogTreeRewriter.java:745)
> 	at CogTreeRewriter.program(CogTreeRewriter.java:210)
> The generated code from around line 1469 looks like this:
>                    // AST REWRITE
>                    // elements: literal
>                    // token labels:
>                    // rule labels: retval
>                    // token list labels:
>                    // rule list labels:
>                    retval.tree = root_0;
>                    RewriteRuleSubtreeStream stream_retval=new
> RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(adaptor,"token
> retval",retval!=null?retval.tree:null);
>                    root_0 = (CogTree)adaptor.nil();
>                    // 91:17: -> literal
>                    {
>                        adaptor.addChild(root_0,  
> stream_literal.nextTree());
>                    }
>                    retval.tree =  
> (CogTree)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0);
> input.replaceChildren(adaptor.getParent(retval.start),
> adaptor.getChildIndex(retval.start),
>                                          adaptor.getChildIndex(_last),
>                                          retval.tree);
>                    }
>                    break;
> If you need any other information, please let me know. I'm happy to  
> help out!
> Thanks,
> Robin
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Terence Parr <parrt at cs.usfca.edu>  
> wrote:
>> On May 23, 2008, at 8:21 PM, Robin Hamilton-Pennell wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Been playing around with the tree rewriting stuff in 3.1b1. It's  
>>> much
>>> better than the previous test build was. I'm not through with my
>>> experimentation and likely will find more things, but I thought I'd
>>> make some notes on a few troubles I ran into, in case it helps  
>>> anyone
>>> else.
>>> Firstly (this is probably true of tree parsers in general), if you  
>>> use
>>> a custom class as your AST node and the Java target, you will  
>>> probably
>>> need to add the method errorNode() in your TreeAdaptor class. This
>>> will also entail either adding error node utility methods to your  
>>> AST
>>> node, or creating a custom subclass of CommonErrorNode. I could be
>>> completely misguided on this; please say so.
>>> Second, every (sub)rule that you are rewriting must match a tree  
>>> node,
>>> I think. This seems obvious in retrospect, but it took me a while to
>>> figure out. That means that you can't do this:
>>> stmt:
>>>  expr   ->   expr
>>>  ;
>> Really?  Why not?
>>> However, you can do either of the following (or change your AST
>>> generation code):
>>> stmt:
>>>  expr  // omit rewrite rule
>>>  ;
>>> stmt:
>>>  // (after changing your AST generation)
>>>  ^(EXPR expr)   ->   ^(EXPR expr)
>>>  ;
>>> I should mention that both of these issues involves the rewrite=true
>>> option. I haven't tested the effects of turning that off, actually.
>> Can you tell me what goes wrong with the first one?
>> Ter
>>> Again, I could simply be completely misguided on this, in which  
>>> case,
>>> please enlighten me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robin

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