[antlr-interest] How to discard comment text when catching source code part?

Auber Lin auberlin at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 23 23:42:31 PDT 2008

hi ANTLR users,
  i tried to get some part of c source code like the following syntax expression:
function_definitionscope {  ModifierText;  DeclText;  LBLine;  LBOffset;  DeclLine;  DeclOffset;}@init {  $function_definition::ModifierText = '';  $function_definition::DeclText = '';  $function_definition::LBLine = 0;  $function_definition::LBOffset = 0;  $function_definition::DeclLine = 0;  $function_definition::DeclOffset = 0;}@after{  self.StoreFunctionDefinition($function_definition.start.line, $function_definition.start.charPositionInLine, $function_definition.stop.line, $function_definition.stop.charPositionInLine, $function_definition::ModifierText, $function_definition::DeclText, $function_definition::LBLine, $function_definition::LBOffset, $function_definition::DeclLine, $function_definition::DeclOffset)} : d=declaration_specifiers? declarator  ( declaration+ a=compound_statement // K&R style  | b=compound_statement    // ANSI style  ) {       if d != None:        $function_definition::ModifierText = $declaration_specifiers.text      else:        $function_definition::ModifierText = ''      $function_definition::DeclText = $declarator.text      $function_definition::DeclLine = $declarator.start.line      $function_definition::DeclOffset = $declarator.start.charPositionInLine      if a != None:        $function_definition::LBLine = $a.start.line        $function_definition::LBOffset = $a.start.charPositionInLine      else:        $function_definition::LBLine = $b.start.line        $function_definition::LBOffset = $b.start.charPositionInLine    } ;
it works fine for most cases except for the comments exists in the function parameter list part, like this:
SetParameters (  IN BASE_CODE_PROTOCOL       *This,  IN BOOLEAN                          *NewAutoArp, OPTIONAL  IN BOOLEAN                          *NewSendGUID, OPTIONAL  IN UINT8                            *NewTTL, OPTIONAL  IN UINT8                            *NewToS, OPTIONAL  IN BOOLEAN                          *NewMakeCallback  // Make callback indicator
the comment part after '//' is also picked out as a part of function.
i already have set hidden channel for comments, i don't know why they still appear in the text i picked out.
LINE_COMMENT    : '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;}    ;
is there any option of ANTLR that could make me get the no-comment code context?
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