[antlr-interest] Antlr Ant task question

Felix Dorner felix_do at web.de
Mon Mar 31 08:12:49 PDT 2008


I use the Antlr Ant task to generate grammars. First, thanks for this 
great contribution. I have however a small improvement suggestion. As 
far as I can see, there is one output dir option for all generated files 
("outputdirectory"). This means that all .java and .token files go to 
this directory. I'd suggest it would be more flexible, if one could 
specify two output directories, one for the .java and another one for 
the .tokens files. This arises from the following use case:

I use AntlrWorks to develop my grammars, that are in a directory 
"grammars". AntlrWorks expects shared token files in the same directory 
as the currently edited grammar. I also specify a package for my grammar 
files. Within the Ant task I use the outputdir="src/my/package" option 
to make the generated parsers _and_  the .tokens files go to the 
corresponding package directory. Without moving back the .tokens file to 
the "grammar" dir, AntlrWorks complains about unreferenced tokens. See 
below for my ant task setup.


<target name="AllureParser" depends="init">
        <antlr3 grammar.name="Allure.g" />
        <!-- move the generated .tokens file back to the grammar directory
             antlr3 ant task should have support to specify different
             directories for .token and .java artifacts...  -->
        <move todir="${src-gen}/${parserpackage}">
            <fileset dir="${grammar}">
                <include name="**/*.tokens"/>
    <target name="AllureWalker" depends="AllureParser">
        <antlr3 grammar.name="AllureWalker.g" />

<macrodef name="antlr3">
           <attribute name="grammar.name"/>
           <attribute name="package" default="${parserpackage}"/>
                  <echo message="antlr ${grammar}/@{grammar.name}" />

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