[antlr-interest] Creating a simple expression language

Michael Lee antlr at quantdev.com
Mon Nov 10 09:30:02 PST 2008

Hi, James

I am a newbie as well. Past 4 weeks, I worked on creating an expression 
engine that will evaluate an FIX message during runtime. What I wanted 
to is 'compile' the expression into an expression during the program 
start time and evaluate them runtime. It also require to have binding to 
'Msg' at evaluation and thread-safe.

For example,

Msg["PRICE"] < 5.00

Msg["PRICE"] will be evaluated during runtime - value is determined by 
FixMsg passed in for evaluation.

For this, I created two separate files (Eval.g and Expr.g). One for 
parsing expression(Expr.g) and one for assembling parsed expression into 
an organized expression object(Eval.g).

Eval.g is a tree grammar. Here is a simplified snippet...

expression returns [ Expression exp ]
: ^(op='+' a=expression b=expression ) { $exp = 
NumericOperationExpression.createOperation( "+" , a , b); }
| ^(op='-' a=expression b=expression ) { $exp = 
NumericOperationExpression.createOperation( "-" , a , b); }
| ^(op='*' a=expression b=expression ) { $exp = 
NumericOperationExpression.createOperation( "*" , a , b); }
| ^(op='/' a=expression b=expression ) { $exp = 
NumericOperationExpression.createOperation( "/" , a , b); }

I create an expression object by calling...

InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream( exprString.getBytes());

// Create an input character stream from standard in
ANTLRInputStream input = new ANTLRInputStream(is);

// Create an ExprLexer that feeds from that stream
ExprLexer lexer = new ExprLexer(input);

// Create a stream of tokens fed by the lexer
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);

// Create a parser that feeds off the token stream
ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(tokens);

// Begin parsing at rule prog, get return value structure
ExprParser.expression_return r = parser.expression();

CommonTree t = (CommonTree)r.getTree(); // get tree from parser

// Create a tree node stream from resulting tree
CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(t);

Eval walker = new Eval(nodes); // create a tree parser
Expression expression = walker.expression();

Expression.evaluate has one argument - Msg. You can expand this to 
include context-binding instead of Msg.

Basically, an expression is compiled during the program start time and 
evaluate them during the runtime with some context.

I hope this helps.

Michael J. Lee

James Abley wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm an ANTLR newbie. A code base that I work on has various expression
> evaluation aspects. I have to add to this by defining various
> functions that can be evaluated. ANTLR seemed like a good way of
> separating out the parsing aspects and should let my colleagues
> concentrate on just defining and plugging in new functions without
> having to know much about parsing, etc. I've skimmed the ANTLR
> Reference book, but don't quite have the time to go in depth at this
> point.
> I've written a grammar, which seems to do what I need. Doubtless it
> could be trimmed a bit as I learn more. Where I'm stuck is the
> connection between having a grammar which can parse the input and how
> it gets evaluated.
> The baggage that I'm struggling with is how to define my environment,
> bind variables, create stack frames, etc.
> I think this would be as part of a tree grammar the re-uses the tokens
> from the AST grammar, but would like to confirm.
> Cheers,
> James
> grammar Eval;
> options {
> 	output = AST;
> //	tokenVocab=Expr; // Read token types from Expr.tokens resource
> //	ASTLabelType=CommonTree;    // The Java type of the nodes.
> }
> tokens {
> 	FUNC;	// function call
> 	STR;
> }
> @parser::header {
> package com.example.expression;
> }
> @lexer::header {
> package com.example.expression;
> }
> stat	:	expr+;
> /*
> For now, we define expr very basically. We don't need to support
> addition, multiplication or other operators. But if we
> do, the grammar is easy to alter.
> */
> expr	:	atom
> 	;
> //multExpr ( ( '+' | '-') multExpr)*;
> //multExpr
> //	:	unaryExpr (( '*' | '/') unaryExpr)*;
> //unaryExpr
> //	:	('+' | '-')?  atom
> //	;
> /* Basic constituent of an expression.*/
> atom	:	var
> 	|	LPAREN expr RPAREN	// Rule to allow nested expressions.
> 	|	functionCall
> 	|	stringLiteral
> 	| 	number
> 	;
> functionCall
> 	:	functionName LPAREN ( expr (COMMA expr)* )? RPAREN	-> ^(FUNC
> functionName expr*)
> 	;
> functionName
> 	:	ALPHA (ALPHA | '-' | '_' | DIGIT )* ;
> /*
> Added to indicate how we currently reference bound variables in
> expressions.. This lets us parse them easily enough.
> with a view to consolidating our expression evaluation code into this
> ANTLR-based version.
> */
> var	:	'$' ALPHA (ALPHA | '-' | '_' | DIGIT)*
> 	;
> stringLiteral	:	'"'  ~'"'* '"'
> 	|	'\'' ~'\''* '\''
> 	;
> number	:	DIGIT+ ('.' DIGIT+)?
> 	;
> 	:	'0' .. '9';
> 	:	 'a' .. 'z'
> 	|	 'A' .. 'Z';
> 	:	(WS* ',' WS*);
> 	: 	(WS*  '(' WS*);
> 	:	(WS* ')' WS*);
> WS
> 	:  	' '
> 	| 	'\t';
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