[antlr-interest] Problem With CLASSPATH During Generate When Using ANTLRWorks

Michael Duffy duffymo at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 07:49:58 PDT 2008

I'm using the latest ANTLRWorks plug-in with IntelliJ 7.0.4 and ANTLR 3.1.1.
I'm working my way through "Definitive ANTLR Reference" to climb the
learning curve.  So far, so good.  Brilliantly done - kudos to Terence Parr
and everyone who contributes.

I've hit a snag in section 3.2 when I start adding actions to the expression
grammar.  The code in the book works fine, but I tried adding a wrinkle.  I
added Apache Commons Logging JARs to my CLASSPATH, created a Log as a member
using their LogFactory, and logged to info instead of printing to
System.out.  ANTLRWorks writes failure messages to the console when I
generate the lexer/parser, saying that package org.apache.commons.logging
does not exist.

I can see the library in my IntelliJ project browser.  It includes the
package, classes, and methods that I'm invoking.  I know how to add 3rd
party JARs to IntelliJ well enough to make ANTLR work fine without the
logging.  Did I miss something important here?  I've included the modified
grammar.  Any advice would be most welcome.  Thanks.

grammar Eval;

    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

    Map memory = new HashMap();
    Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(EvalParser.class);

program    :    statement+;

statement:    expr { logger.info($expr.value); }
            |     ID EQUALS expr NEWLINE { memory.put($ID.text, new
Integer($expr.value)); }
            |     NEWLINE;

expr returns [int value]
            :    e=multExpr {$value = $e.value; }
            ( '+' e=multExpr { $value += $e.value; }
            | '-' e=multExpr { $value -= $e.value; }

multExpr returns [int value]
            :    e=atom {$value = $e.value; } ('*' e=atom { $value =
$e.value; })*;

atom returns [int value]
            : INT { $value = Integer.parseInt($INT.text); }
            | ID
                Integer v = (Integer)memory.get($ID.text);
                if (v != null)
                    $value = v.intValue();
                    logger.error("undefined variable " + $ID.text);
            | LPAREN expr RPAREN { $value = $expr.value; };

ID         : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_')+ | ('"' (~'"')* '"');
INT        : '0'..'9'+;

NEWLINE     : '\n'|'\r'('\n')? { skip(); };

COMMENT     : '#' ( ~('\n'|'\r') )* NEWLINE? { skip(); };
LBRACE    : '{';
RBRACE    : '}';
LPAREN    : '(';
RPAREN    : ')';
EQUALS    : '=';
SEMI        : ';';
SPACE        : ' ';
TAB        : '\t';

WS         : (SPACE
            | NEWLINE
            | TAB
            )+ { skip(); };
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