[antlr-interest] tree construction that cannot be done with rewriterule

Sam Harwell sharwell at pixelminegames.com
Tue Apr 7 11:33:19 PDT 2009

This is probably not perfect (haven't run it) but it should get you
close at the least. Based on the CSharp2 target.




        CommonTree BuildProxyOptionTree(
SortedList<int,List<CommonTree>> options )


                object root = adaptor.Nil();

                foreach ( KeyValuePair<int,List<CommonTree>> pair in
options )


                        CommonTree child = adaptor.Create( NUM,
pair.Key.ToString() );

                        foreach ( CommonTree subchild in pair.Value )

                                adaptor.AddChild( child, subchild );

                        adaptor.AddChild( root, child );


                return root;







        SortedList<int,List<CommonTree>> options = new


        :       'proxy-list' IDENT

                (       proxyConfigSt


                                List<CommonTree> idlist;

                                if ( !options.TryGetValue(
$proxyConfigSt.id, out idlist ) )


                                        idlist = new List<CommonTree>();

                                        options.Add( $proxyConfigSt.id,
idlist );


                                idlist.Add( $proxyConfigSt.tree );



                -> ^(IDENT {BuildProxyOptionTree(options)})



proxyConfigSt returns [int id]

        :       'id'! NUM! {$id = int.Parse($NUM.text);}




        :       'cipher'^ proxyConfigCipher

        |       'queue-delay'^ NUM

        |       'cert'^ IDENT

        |       'rsakey'^ IDENT

        |       'vip'^ 'address'! IP




        :       CIPHER^ 'vip'! IP NUM





From: antlr-interest-bounces at antlr.org
[mailto:antlr-interest-bounces at antlr.org] On Behalf Of Han Chen
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:28 PM
To: antlr-interest at antlr.org
Subject: [antlr-interest] tree construction that cannot be done with


I am just started to explore ANTLR v3. After reading the grammar manual,
tree construction tutorial, I have a hard problem (at least for me it
is) regarding the tree construction

Given the following input.

proxy-list testList
  id 2 cipher rsa-with-rc4-128-md5 vip 12345
  id 2 queue-delay 400
  id 3 cipher rsa-with-rc4-128-md5 vip 12345
  id 2 cipher rsa-with-rc4-128-sha vip 12345
  id 2 cert testcert
  id 3 cert testcert
  id 2 rsakey testkey
  id 2 cipher rsa-with-3des-ede-cbc-sha vip 12345
  id 3 vip address
  id 2 vip address
  id 3 rsakey testkey

the statement with the same 'id' is not in any specific order. However,
I would like to construct a tree that put all of the ID specific
information as a subroot node and the proxy-list name as the root node
of the tree. For example, the above configuration, I would like the
resulting tree look similar to the following

^(testList ^(2  ^( cipher ^(rsa-with-rc4-128-md5 12345)
^(rsa-with-rc4-128-sha 12345) ^(rsa-with-3des-ede-cbc-sha 12345) ) ^(queue-delay 400) ^(cert testcert) ^(rsakey
testkey) ^(vip ) ^(3 ^( cipher ^(rsa-with-rc4-128-md5 12345) ) ^(cert testcert) ^(vip ^(rsakey
testkey) ) )

The order of the child node should be the same as the parse sequence,
but group under the same subroot node accordingly.

I have the following test grammar, but using rewrite rule, I don't know
how to construct the desired tree forementioned

proxyConfig: 'proxy-list' IDENT proxyConfigSt+;
proxyConfigSt: 'id' NUM proxyConfigOption;
   'cipher' CIPHER 'vip' IP NUM |
   'queue-delay' NUM |
   'cert' IDENT |
   'rsakey' IDENT |
   'vip' 'address' IP;
IDENT: (~WS)+;
IP: NUM '.' NUM '.' NUM '.' NUM;
NUM: '0'..'9'+;
WS: (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n')+;

I could, just using action, create an appropriate data structure to
represent the above, and then go through the data structure after the
rule is complete to build a tree. But the order within the same ID
config is lost, I can add more detail into the data structure and then
sort it, but that's a little too cumbersome. At the end, I just want the
output look like the following. If I have the desired AST constructed, a
simple depth-first walk would result the correct output.

proxy-list testList
  id 2 cipher rsa-with-rc4-128-md5 vip 12345
  id 2 queue-delay 400
  id 2 cipher rsa-with-rc4-128-sha vip 12345
  id 2 cert testcert
  id 2 rsakey testkey
  id 2 cipher rsa-with-3des-ede-cbc-sha vip 12345
  id 2 vip address
  id 3 cipher rsa-with-rc4-128-md5 vip 12345
  id 3 cert testcert
  id 3 vip address
  id 3 rsakey testkey

I could do it easily with perl using array of an array. But then I
handcoded the parser to fit my need. I am just getting and feet wet with
ANTLR and try to do the samething. Any feedback regarding how should I
approach this problem using ANTLR is greatly appreciated.



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