[antlr-interest] what's in a name?

Nicola Musatti Nicola.Musatti at objectway.it
Fri Aug 28 00:57:15 PDT 2009

Terence Parr wrote:
> Hi, so we're going back and forth on titles/subtitles for the new book  
> on implementing DSLs and other languages.  Now, we're "Language Design  
> Patterns", where Design is an adjective of Patterns; Language is not  
> an adj of Design.  it's ambiguous though. Using Lang Impl Design  
> Patterns was too long and unwieldy.  So, we added a subtitle about  
> "Techniques for implementing DSLs".  Our marketing has been all about  
> impl DSLs but the book became much more general.
> The confusion is that the current title can be seen as about lang  
> design.  We could do Lang Impl Patterns, but Kent Beck has a Impl  
> Patterns book now that is totally different concept.
> Publisher wants DSL in there somewhere.  Any ideas about title/subtitle?

First of all, unfortunately "Language Design Patterns" is such a good 
sounding name that it makes it difficult to improve its meaning. A 
couple of suggestions:

"Language Processing Design Patterns" - Not as cute, but maybe somewhat 
more accurate

"Pattern Oriented Language Engineering" - Maybe a little too reminiscent 
of the Pattern Oriented Software Architecture series, but don't you love 
the POLE acronym? That would call for a white bear on the book cover :-)

As a subtitle you could use something like: "Implementing Domain 
Specific Languages the right way".

Nicola Musatti

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