[antlr-interest] Struggling with recursion error

André Næss andre.naess at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 08:22:45 PST 2009


I've been trying for quite some time now to put together a minimal toy
parser, but I'm completely stuck on this recursion error that I don't

The parser I'm trying to write is a simple parser for a language that
has only let-bindings, if-then-else, integers, variables, and function
application. The problem is the latter. A function application
typically looks like this:

   foo a b 10

And I need this to parse as (foo a b 10), not (foo (a (b 10))) (I want
to be able to pass functions as values).

After some back and forth I figured that by making the topmost expr
match either a function application or any other expression, where
function applications all begin with ID, I should get the correct
parse. And indeed, I do, with backtrack on. If I turn off backtrack,
the whole thing fails with

error(211): Exprs.g:28:10: [fatal] rule expr has non-LL(*) decision
due to recursive rule invocations reachable from alts 1,2.  Resolve by
left-factoring or using syntactic predicates or using backtrack=true

I've got the ANTLR book, and the only reference that I could find to
this error was a trivial example involving labels that doesn't seem at
all similar to my problem. My biggest problem is that I don't
understand the error message at all. And the AntlrWorks debug output
doesn't tell me much either, there's just one alternative to choose,
and it paints one short line red. My initial intuition was that this
was caused by the ID in atomExpr, so I tried commenting it out, but
this has no effect. However, in the code below I've commented out the
ID in atomExpr, focusing only on functions involving integers, to make
it all a little simpler.

What I don't get is where the recursion comes from. If an expression
starts with ID, then this grammar says that it's a function
application, and allows for a sequence of arbitrary expressions if,
let or atom expressions to follow. If the expression doesn't start
with ID, it has to be one of the others. So why on earth does the
recursion come from? The allButFuncAppl* following ID in expr must
either start with 'if', 'let', '(' or INT, how can this lead to

I also wasn't able to solve this with a syntactic predicate. The only
thing that helps is global backtracking, so while I can solve it, I'd
really like to understand what's going on here.

	:	expr (';' expr)*

expr:	ID allButFuncAppl* -> ^(FUNC_APPL ID allButFuncAppl*)
	| 	allButFuncAppl

	|	letExpr
	|	atomExpr

	:	INT
	//|	ID -> ^(VAR_REF ID)
	|	'('! expr^ ')'!

	:	'let' letBinding+ (',' letBinding)* 'in' expr -> ^(LET letBinding+ expr)
	:	(ID^ '='! expr)

	:	'if' cond=expr 'then' thenPart=expr elsePart='else' expr ->
^(IFELSE $cond $thenPart $elsePart)

André Næss

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