[antlr-interest] White spaces not allowed

Dominic Tardif Dominic.Tardif at USherbrooke.ca
Mon Jan 12 11:53:58 PST 2009

Hello everyone!  I've been working on this grammar for quite some time now, and
it works quite well except for one little detail: white spaces are not allowed.
 Since the input is user-created, it's supposed to be "user-friendly", thus
more readable with spaces between each elements. I really don't understand this
because I've declared the white spaces to be skipped.  Any help on this issue
would be greatly appreciated!  Here is the input followed by the grammar:



grammar Logic;

options {
  output = AST;
  ASTLabelType = CommonTree;

tokens {
INV = '\'';
STMT_END = ';';

@header {
import java.util.HashMap;

@members {
HashMap<String,Integer> memory = new HashMap<String,Integer>();

circuit:    (library {System.out.println($library.tree.toStringTree());})+

library: lib='#LIB::' ID (NEWLINE)? function+ '#ENDLIB'  -> ^(LIBRARY ID
^(FLIST[$lib, "FLIST "] function+))

function: user_def bloc (NEWLINE)?    -> ^(FCT function_id bloc)

bloc:   lc='{' stmt+ '}'  -> ^(SLIST[$lc, "SLIST"] stmt+)

function_id: ID '(' inparam? ';' outparam ';' ioparam? ')'  -> ^(ID ^(INPARAM
inparam)? ^(OUTPARAM outparam) ^(IOPARAM ioparam)?)

inparam:  (ids+=ID) (coma=',' ids+=ID)* -> ID+

outparam:  (ids+=ID) (coma=',' ids+=ID)* -> ID+

ioparam:  (ids+=ID) (coma=',' ids+=ID)* -> ID+

stmt:  ID ' ' function_id STMT_END      -> ^(STMT ID function_id)
      |  ID '=' expr STMT_END           -> ^('=' ID expr)
      |  NEWLINE                        ->

expr:   multExpr ('+'^ multExpr)*

multExpr:   phase (('*'^|' '^) phase)*

phase: atom (INV)?  -> ^(PHASE INV? atom)
   |   '!' atom   -> ^(PHASE '\'' atom)

atom:     ID
      |   '(' expr ')'

ID:       ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* | INT;
INT:      '0'|'1';

NEWLINE:  ('\r'? '\n')+;
WS:       (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+ {skip();};
COMMENT        : '//' ( options{greedy=false;}: . )* '\n' {skip();}
         | '/*' ( options{greedy=false;}: . )* '*/' {skip();};

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