[antlr-interest] operator inside a string

Gavin Lambert antlr at mirality.co.nz
Tue Jul 7 06:38:48 PDT 2009

At 22:03 7/07/2009, Bob Night wrote:
>I have a following grammar. Most of the time it works fine. The 
>problem begins when I try to parse a string like this one:
>"test_input OPERATOR another_test_input"
>The operator inside quotes is still recognized as a OPERATOR 
>token, while I'd like it to be recognized as a WORD token that is 
>part of the quote.
>grammar test;
>start_rule    :    expr (OPERATOR expr)* EOF;
>expr    :  quote | WORD;
>quote   :    '"' WORD+ '"';
>WORD     :    ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+;

Unless the intent of this grammar is specifically to break the 
strings into WORDs, then you should probably change quote into a 
lexer rule like so:

   QUOTE : '"' (~'"')* '"' ;

This will produce a single QUOTE token for the entire quoted text 
(including the quotes themselves), regardless of whether the text 
contains keywords, symbols, or other things that aren't valid 
WORDs (like digits).

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