[antlr-interest] AntlrWorks export to dot files

Jim Idle jimi at temporal-wave.com
Thu Jun 4 08:38:31 PDT 2009

Michael Pasdziernik wrote:
> Hi,
> Ok, dot is a simple text file. Replacing "arrowhead = none" with "arrowhead = normal"
> solves the Problem.
> Regards
> Michael
You can also steal the formatting used for producing a dot spec of an 
AST. This creates coloring and so on that makes the resulting png/other 
graphic generally more readable.

See DOTTreeGenerator.java, where you will find:

"digraph {\n\n" +
            "\tordering=out;\n" +
            "\tranksep=.4;\n" +
            "\tbgcolor=\"lightgrey\"; node [shape=box, fixedsize=false, 
fontsize=12, fontname=\"Helvetica-bold\", fontcolor=\"blue\"\n" +
            "\t\twidth=.25, height=.25, color=\"black\", 
fillcolor=\"white\", style=\"filled, solid, bold\"];\n" +
            "\tedge [arrowsize=.5, color=\"black\", style=\"bold\"]\n\n" +
            "  $nodes$\n" +
            "  $edges$\n" +


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