[antlr-interest] Modifying tree based on semantic content

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Sun May 17 08:07:34 PDT 2009

I am not an Antlr3 expert, I really just started myself about a month
ago (moving from v2).  It really is probably best to get an answer from
the list.  You are correct though, you cannot mix the two approaches.

That being said...

The most straight-forward way from your existing grammar rule AFAIK is
to rewrite the initial simpleExpression result (removing optionalSign
since I did not understand its purpose here):

expression returns [TAttributeType type]
@init { boolean isStringComparison=false; }
    :   ( simpleExpression -> simpleExpression ) {
            $type = $expression.type;
            isStringComparison = isString( $expression.type );
        } ( 
            comparisonOperator rhs = simpleExpression {
            -> { isStringComparison }?
                    ^( STRINGOP $expression $rhs )
                    ^(comparisonOperator $lhs $rhs)

Note too that because of the '*' surrounding your "(comparisonOperator
rhs = simpleExpression)" recognition and the fact that you ref "lhs" in
the rewrite, I think you will actually end up with trees like:
^( PLUS 'lhs' ^( PLUS 'lhs' 'rhs2 ) ) 
instead of what I think you probably wanted:
^( PLUS 'lhs' ^( PLUS 'rhs1' 'rhs2 ) )

Also, if you wanted to keep this resulting tree structure, a better
option is probably to recurse the rule:

    : ( lhs=simpleExpression -> simpleExpression ) 
          ( comparisonOperator rhs=expression ) 
              -> { isString( $lhs.type ) }? 
                  ^( STRINGOP $lhs $rhs )
                  ^( comparisonOperator $lhs $rhs )

See that 'rhs' recurses back into this rule..

(I *think* that the '$lhs' references will work here but am not 100%
sure.  try it out.  we use $expression rather than a label)

Personally I'd be very uncomfortable with your notion of "comparison
operator".  I believe in your original email you were asking about '+'
here.  Neither addition nor concatenation is a "comparison".  I think
you may be trying to handle multiple, unequal concepts here.  In my
experience that causes problems.  I would look to split the notions of
you see they are very different both structurally and semantically.  For
example, most comparison operators (aside from something like a SQL's
BETWEEN operator e.g.) are "binary operand" (two sides) operators;
PLUS/MINUS/MULTIPLY/DIVIDE/CONCATENATE are all "chained" meaning that
^( PLUS op1 ^( PLUS op2 op3 ) ) is semantically the same as ^( PLUS op1
op2 op3).  Same for concatenation: ^( CONCAT op1 ^( CONCAT op2 op3) ) is
the same as ^( CONCAT op1 op2 op ).  Antlr rewrite rules have a nice way
to treat this "rolling up":

    : additionOperand ( PLUS additionOperand )+
          -> ^( PLUS additionOperand+ )

Or in your case, something like:
@init { boolean isString=false; }
    : lhs=additionOperand {isString=...;} ( PLUS additionOperand )+
        -> {isString}? ^( CONCAT additionOperand )+
        -> ^( PLUS additionOperand+ )

Anyway, hope that helps...

On Sun, 2009-05-17 at 09:36 -0400, David Jameson wrote:
> Steve, I hate to bother you personally but you were the only one who  
> responded and pointed me in the right direction. Nobody but you had an  
> answer to my initial question and in the context of "no good deed goes  
> unpunished", I'm really hoping you can spot what I am doing wrong as  
> I've been pulling my hair out most of the weekend trying to get ANTLR  
> to accept the "fixes"
> Many thanks,
> D
> ---------------------------
> I have been trying all day to get the rule below accepted.
> expression returns [TAttributeType type]
>                :
>                optionalSign
>                lhs = simpleExpression^
>                   {
>                      $type = $lhs.type;
>                   }
>                   (
>                    (comparisonOperator rhs = simpleExpression)	
>                    {
>                       $type =  
> TErrorHandling.Compatible($comparisonOperator.tree.token,  
> $comparisonOperator.token, $lhs.type, $rhs.type);
>                    }
>                      -> { isString($lhs.type) }? ^(comparisonOperator  
> STRINGOP $lhs $rhs)
>                      ->  ^(comparisonOperator $lhs $rhs)
>                   )* 	
> 	        ;
> I get a "cannot generate the grammar because" error  which is
>     rule expression alt 1 uses rewrite syntax and also an AST operator
> Now, I'm pretty certain this is happening because of the "^" that  
> follows lhs = simpleExpression^ in the first section of the rule.
> However, removing that operator causes no tree node to be generated in  
> the case where there is just a simple expression and that breaks the  
> results.  However, I tried removing that operator and adding a rewrite  
> rule after the FIRST closing right brace, e.g.
>                lhs = simpleExpression
>                   {
>                      $type = $lhs.type;
>                   } -> ^($lhs)
> and many variants but this just caused ANTLR to complain that  
> comparisonOperator was an unexpected token.  I also tried inserting a  
> third predicate in the bottom group that would test whether $rhs was  
> null and just put out the $lhs in that case but that didn't work either.
> Can somebody please put me out of my misery (in a kind manner (grin))  
> and show me what I'm doing wrong? I'd love to have a quiet weekend  
> with no problems to worry about!!!
> Thanks,
> D
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> On May 15, 2009, at 7:26 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> > someRule
> >    : a PLUS b
> >        -> { areStrings($a.tree,$b.tree) } ^(CONCATENATE a b)
> >        -> ^(PLUS a b)
> >
> > On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 23:38 -0400, David Jameson wrote:
> >> Is there any way to control the built-in tree generation (from an
> >> initial parse phase) based on semantics of what is being parsed?
> >>
> >> As a simple example,    if   I see the expression
> >>        a + b
> >>
> >> then I want to produce
> >>     (PLUS a b)
> >> or
> >>    (CONCATENATE a b)
> >>
> >> depending on whether a and b are numeric or string.
> >>
> >>
> >> How can I do this with rewrite rules (for example)?   Or do I have to
> >> construct my own trees?
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> D
> >>
> >> List: http://www.antlr.org/mailman/listinfo/antlr-interest
> >> Unsubscribe: http://www.antlr.org/mailman/options/antlr-interest/your-email-address
> > -- 
> > Steve Ebersole <steve at hibernate.org>
> > Hibernate.org
> >
Steve Ebersole <steve at hibernate.org>

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