[antlr-interest] [c target] debugging using antlrworks

Gavin Lambert antlr at mirality.co.nz
Mon Oct 5 13:51:02 PDT 2009

At 10:48 5/10/2009, =?koi8-r?B?4NLV28vJziDtycjBycw=?= wrote:
 >I used your grammar (with small modification). the same 

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 >1) I generate lexer and parser using -debug option.
 >2) I run my project. It starts to listen antlrworks (standard 
 >I checked).
 >3) I open MyParser.g grammar and click "Remote debug". I use
 >standard port.
 >4) My parser continies to work... and stops when it reach
 >		    "DBG->enterRule(DBG, getGrammarFileName(), (const char
 >*)"statement");"  line
 >5) In this procedure parser transmits some info to debugger and
 >6) I click "Step forward" and parser continies it work and
 >returns.. In AntlrWorks I tried to use breakpoints and "step
 >over" button - no results.

Possibly your parser is not matching anything.  Try adding EOF to 
the end of your top-level rule; this tells it that it must consume 
all the input or generate an error.

Remember, the ANTLRWorks debugger is useless for finding problems 
with lexer rules; you really need to write unit tests in order to 
verify those before worrying about what's going on in your parser 

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