[antlr-interest] Bug or misunderstanding?: missing attribute access on rule scope

John B. Brodie jbb at acm.org
Fri Oct 16 19:08:11 PDT 2009


Sorry about this message, I think I have broken any threading to the
original message. I am replying from the mail-list archive and seem to
be unable to figure out how to graft my reply into its proper thread.

On Fri Oct 16 12:21:33 PDT 2009, Kaleb Pederson asked:
> I'm getting an error that doesn't make any sense, either because I've
> missed something fundamental or I've stumbled across a bug. I'm doing
> some type checking within a tree parser.  I have a plusMinusExpression
> which can either be a negation or a subtraction expression.  In order
> to to check to see which it is, I have `if ($rhs != null)` within my
> action.  That line, however, causes the following error:
> SemanticChecker.g:163:3: missing attribute access on rule scope: rhs
> The grammar fragment follows:
> plusMinusExpression returns [Type type]
> 	:	^(PLUS lhs=baseExpression rhs=baseExpression) { /*...*/ }
> 		|	^(MINUS lhs=baseExpression rhs=baseExpression?)
> 		{
> 			typeChecker.assertIsNumericType($lhs.type);
> 			if ($rhs != null)
> 			{
> 				typeChecker.assertIsNumericType($rhs.type);
> 				typeChecker.assertEqualTypes($lhs.type, $rhs.type);
> 			}
> 			$type = $lhs.type;
> 		}
> 	;

Others in this thread have pointed out that you should use ($rhs.tree != null) in your if statement.

I would like to, respectfully, suggest that you are doing the Wrong Thing(TM) in your action code.
And it is wrong on two levels - the first mis-use is rather shallow and the second is a rather more
deeper mis-use.

I mean nothing personal nor pejorative by these comments. I am just trying to point out a couple
of "better" ways to do the above. And of course "better" is a qualitative assessment unique to each
reader of this message (e.g. what is "better" to me may not be "better" to you...).

The first, shallow, mis-use (IMHO) is to not simply let the Tree Walker code decide for you whether
or not the rhs tree node is present. That is, instead of

   | ^(MINUS lhs=baseExpression rhs=baseExpression?) { /* figure out what to do */ }

do something like this:

   | ^(MINUS lhs=baseExpression) { /* handle the 1-arity '-' operator here */ }
   | ^(MINUS lhs=baseExpression rhs=baseExpression) { /* handle the 2-arity subtraction here */ }

e.g. the Tree Walker code has to already poke around in your tree in order to determine whether or 
not the rhs is present (as part of its tree pattern matching) --- so let it control the invocation
of your actions.

The second, i think deeper, mis-use is that you have (apparently) discarded information discovered
during parsing and AST creation that you could use to guide your subsequent AST processing.

Surely in your Parser the 1-arity '-' appears in a different syntactic context from the 2-arity '-'
operator ---- so when parsing "a+-b" we know that the '-' must be the 1-arity operator, but when we
parse "a-b" we know that the '-' must be the 2-arity operator.

So I suggest to you that your Parser should differentiate the MINUS tree --- since, I assert, that
it already does so as part of the parse --- by creating a different (with imaginary root) node for
the 1-arity case. So "a+-b" obtains the tree (PLUS a (NEGATE b)) and "a-b" obtains the tree
(MINUS a b) or something similar in accord with your taste...

And so, with this approach, in all of your post-processing of the AST, the 1-arity and 2-arity
operations have already been differentiated in the tree itself and therefore can be directly
determined --- no need to noodle around about whether or not 1 or 2 children are present.

Your Mileage May Vary.

Hope this helps...
(again, sorry for breaking the threading of the replies to the original message)

and there is also the possibility of having ONLY the 2-arity '-' operator because in Algebra
the 1-arity '-' is an implicit 2-arity operation involving zero. so the "a+-b" would become
(PLUS a (MINUS 0 b)) --- but this just tends to break my brain so i do not do that..... ;-)

and, please, can we just not discuss the whole treatment of 2-arity '-' as an addition
with multiply by -1 ..... my brain tends to just shutdown at that prospect ;-)

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