[antlr-interest] need some advice

Dietmar Schaefer dietmar-s at online.de
Fri Apr 9 01:56:07 PDT 2010

Hi !

I just cannot figure out what is wrong with my grammar.

Here it is:

grammar Test;

scenario    :

statement    :
        sequenceStatement   ;

    : 'DefSequence' ID WHITESPACE* '{' VALUE '}' ';'? '\n'? ;

ID           : LETTER (LETTER | DIGIT | '_' )* ;

fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';

fragment LETTER : 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z';

WHITESPACE   : ( '\t' | ' ' | '\n'|'\r')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;} ;

   : ('\u0041'|'\u0042'|'\u0043') DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT | ('-')* 
{System.out.println("VALUE detected: ");};


I cut my original grammar  down to the bare minimum.

DefSequence L { -- }   works

DefSequence L { A1200}  gives me MismatchedTokenException: line 1:16 
mismatched input 'A1200' expecting '\u0006'

Do I have to mention, that I am new to ANTLR ?  I don't think so !



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