[antlr-interest] Parse assignments and method calls

Damien Urruty lepilache at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 23 06:56:54 PDT 2010

I have been working on the Java grammar, and in my opinion, there is a strange thing with the expressions. Actually the parser is able to detect an expression like :
1+2 = 3+4;
a = b+6 = c;
And these are not legal statements in Java (it displays "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable"). This is detected later by the semantical analysis I guess, but I would like to modify the grammar to verify syntactically left hand-side variables. Here are my rules :
statement    :   block    |   // others statements ...    |   affectation ';'    |   methodCall ';'    |   instanciation ';'    ;    affectation	:   affectMember+ methodAccess	|   affectMember+ 'new' identST arguments	|   affectMember+ expression	;	affectMember    :    varAccess assignmentOperator    ;    varAccess    :   identST ('[' argument ']')*    |   members '.' identST ('[' argument ']')*    |   '(' varAccess ')'    ;    members    :   'this' ('.' member)*    |   'super' ('.' member)*    |   instanciation ('.' member)*    |   member ('.' member)*    |   parMember ('.' member)*    ;
parMember    :  '(' castMember? members ')'     ;
castMember    :   '(' primitiveType ')'    |   '(' type ')'    ;
member    :   identST arguments ('[' argument ']')*    |   identST ('[' argument ']')*    ;
methodAccess    :   methodCall    |   '(' castMember? methodAccess ')'    ;
methodCall    :    'this' '.' (member '.')* methodMinimum    |    'super' '.' (member '.')* methodMinimum    |    instanciation '.' (member '.')* methodMinimum    |    (member '.')* methodMinimum    |    members '.' methodMinimum    ;
methodMinimum    :   identST arguments    ;
instanciation     :	'new' creator     ;
expression    :   conditionalExpression    ;
The code is not organized at all, but works, except when there is a castMember, as in : 
I think I have a problem with the parenthesis and their priorities. If anyone could help, I would appreciate it. I can't find things like these, nowhere. Parsers usually parse expression like in the Java.g grammar, but I need to parse this way.
Thanks in advance.Dam. 		 	   		  
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