[antlr-interest] access to filename

Joep Suijs jsuijs at gmail.com
Sun May 2 11:49:13 PDT 2010

Hi guys,

For error reporting, I need access to the origination of a token when
I walk through the tree after it is parsed. This works okay for line
number and position on the line, but fails for the filename. A piece
of the code used:

      ANTLR3_UINT32 TokenType = child->getType(child);
      printf("%s (%d, %s from ",child->toString(child)->chars,
TokenType, jalParserTokenNames[TokenType]);

      ANTLR3_INPUT_STREAM *is = Token->input;
      printf("input stream %x,",is);
//      printf("input stream %d,",is->fileName);
      printf("Line %d:%d)",Token->getLine(Token),

The input stream print shows a non-zero pointer, but uncommenting the
last line triggers an exception. The next line prints the line &
postion as expected.
What am I doing wrong?


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