[antlr-interest] antlr doubt

Peter Boughton boughtonp at gmail.com
Thu May 6 06:51:55 PDT 2010

Before trying your own grammar, find a simple example that is known to
work (the ANTLR website should have some).
This will help to confirm whether the problem is with how ANTLR is
installed, or a with your own grammar.

This is confusing:
>> I'm running Windows XP and installed ANTLR via apt-get, the package manager of Ubuntu.

Are you running ANTLR on Windows or Ubuntu?

If you're doing both, stick to one or the other until you've got things working.

Other than that, it'd probably be helpful to post more details (e.g.
your grammar), but you'll probably have to wait for someone more adept
with ANTLR for specific help.

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