[antlr-interest] Error Handling Advanced

Prados Valiente Enrique Enrique.PradosValiente at reale.es
Fri Apr 29 02:06:53 PDT 2011


I'm newbie using Antlr3.Runtime.dll C# , VS 2008, CSharp2 target
(perhaps better use vs2010 and CSharp3 target)

I need advanced error handling for use spanish in my error messages, and
do more clearly the messages to show it to the users.

I have been this page:


how is the code of getRuleInvocationStack ??? 

please, any another advanced samples for error handling ??


public String getErrorMessage(RecognitionException e,
                                  String[] tokenNames)
        List stack = getRuleInvocationStack(e,
        String msg = null;
        String inputContext =
            input.LT(-3) == null ? "" : ((Tree)input.LT(-3)).getText()+"
            input.LT(-2) == null ? "" : ((Tree)input.LT(-2)).getText()+"
            input.LT(-1) == null ? "" : ((Tree)input.LT(-1)).getText()+"
            ((Tree)input.LT(1)).getText()+"<<< "+
            ((Tree)input.LT(2)).getText()+" "+
        if ( e instanceof NoViableAltException ) {
           NoViableAltException nvae = (NoViableAltException)e;
           msg = " no viable alt; token="+e.token+
              " (decision="+nvae.decisionNumber+
              " state "+nvae.stateNumber+")"+
              " decision=<<"+nvae.grammarDecisionDescription+">>";
        else {
           msg = super.getErrorMessage(e, tokenNames);
        return stack+" "+msg+" context=..."+inputContext+"...";
    public String getTokenErrorDisplay(Token t) {
        return t.toString();

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