[antlr-interest] Cannot match strings combining terminals w/o spaces between

Samuel Lampa samuel.lampa at scilifelab.uu.se
Wed Jul 27 02:35:47 PDT 2011

I got problems matching the string:

... with the following ANTLR code (work in progress, really):

Where I have the STRING terminal defined as:
STRING    :    '"'('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+'"'

It works if I add the ending colon in the STRING definition itself, like 
so (and then remove it from the parent rule):
STRING    :    '"'('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+'"'':'

... but this of course makes for a less general string definition :/ ... 
Any ideas how I should go about this?

Best regards
// Samuel

Addendum: The full input string and EBNF code is as follows:

=== Input string ===

       #if $source.index_source == "history":
       #end if

=== ANTLR code ===

grammar GalaxyToolConfig;
options {output=AST;}

command    :    binary param* ifstatement '\n' text? ELSE text? ENDIF text?

binary     :    WORD

param     :    '--' PARAMNAME '=' ( VARIABLE | STRING )

     :    IF ( STRING | VARIABLE ) EQ ( (STRING)':' | (VARIABLE)':' )

text     :    WORD WORD*

IF    :    '#if'

ELSE    :    '#else'

ENDIF     :    '#end if'

EQ     :    '=='

COLON     :    ':'

PARAMNAME:    ('a'..'z')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'.'|'_')*

STRING    :    '"'('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+'"'

     :    '$''{'?PARAMNAME'}'?

// CHAR    :    
//     ;

WORD    :    (~(' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n'))+

WS  :   ( ' '
         | '\t'
         | '\r'
         | '\n'
         ) {$channel=HIDDEN;}

System Expert / Bioinformatician
SNIC-UPPMAX / SciLifeLab Uppsala
Uppsala University, Sweden
E-mail: samuel.lampa at scilifelab.uu.se
Phone: +46 (0)18 - 471 1060
WWW: http://www.uppmax.uu.se
Uppnex: https://www.uppnex.uu.se

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