[antlr-interest] Template rewriting: processing lists of things (possible bug?)

Terence Parr parrt at cs.usfca.edu
Fri Mar 4 10:25:14 PST 2011

hi. Rules do not return templates by default; you have to set them. any that does not returns a null, hence, the list of  nulls you get :)
On Mar 4, 2011, at 3:28 AM, Conrad Hughes wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm using ANTLR 3.3.  In a template rewriting grammar, structures like
>  rule: l+=otherRule+
> create a list of nulls in $l if otherRule isn't a template rewrite.
> This seems undesirable behaviour since I'd've thought that unrewritten
> rules should just appear in $l as their original text?  Am I doing
> something wrong, is it correct behaviour (in which case, is there an
> explanation as to why it's correct please?) or is it a bug?
> Below is a grammar playing around with this; to clearly separate
> behaviour, I treat lower case words as tokens, rewrite upper case words
> and don't rewrite numbers.  I then play with collections of all three.
> My sample input is:
>  hi there
>  123 456
>  ; mixture 07 THINGS
>  ; MY 2 mixture
>  ; version 3 MIXTURE
> After the three "pure" collections, I try mixing them up.  I've come up
> with two ways of rewriting a list containing a mixture of rules,
> rewrites and tokens (I know ANTLR refuses to mix tokens and rules in its
> own lists):
>  - one (mix) is to insert a new rule (mixItem) which turns everything
>    in the mixture into a template (which seems like a lot of work ---
>    is there a templating shorthand for rewriting a rule to its
>    identical self?);
>  - another (hackMix) is to manually build the list using rule.text to
>    work around the rules-turn-into-nulls problem.
>  - I also sketch an "idealMix" rule which doesn't work.
> Is there a version of idealMix which does work and is less messy than
> mix or hackMix please?
> Any suggestions gratefully received...
> Conrad
> grammar PlusEquals;
> options {
>  output = template;
>  rewrite = true;
> }
> file    : tokeNs rules rewrites ';' mix ';' hackMix ';' idealMix ;
> // To collect some tokens, you need <it.text>.  input -> output:
> //    hi there -> Tokens (2): ["hi", "there"]
> tokeNs  : (w+=TOKEN)+
>          -> template(w={$w})
>             "Tokens (<length(w)>): [<w:{\"<it.text>\"};separator={, }>]"
>        ;
> TOKEN   : ('a'..'z')+ ;
> // You can't collect rules: $w contains a list of nulls.  input -> output:
> //   123 456 -> Rules (2): []
> rules   : (w+=rule)+
>          -> template(w={$w})
>             "Rules (<length(w)>): [<w:{\"<it>\"};separator={, }>]"
>        ;
> rule    : NUMBER ;
> NUMBER  : ('0'..'9')+ ;
> // To collect rewrites, you just use <it> directly.  input -> output:
> //   THIRD LIST -> Rewrites (2): ["THIRD", "LIST"]
> rewrites: (w+=rewrite)+
>          -> template(w={$w})
>             "Rewrites (<length(w)>): [<w:{<it>};separator={, }>]"
>        ;
> rewrite : CAPS -> template(w={$text}) "\"<w>\"" ;
> CAPS    : ('A'..'Z')+ ;
> // Because rules don't seem to accumulate right, turn everything into rewrites:
> //   mixture 07 THINGS ->
> //     Mixture (3): [Token:"mixture", Rule:"07", Rewrite:"THINGS"]
> mix     : (w+=mixItem)+
>          -> template(w={$w})
>             "Mixture (<length(w)>): [<w:{<it>};separator={, }>]"
>        ;
> mixItem : rule -> template(w={$text}) "Rule:\"<w>\""
>        | rewrite -> template(w={$text}) "Rewrite:<w>"
>        | TOKEN -> template(w={$text}) "Token:\"<w>\""
>        ;
> // Build list manually; possible to avoid creating hackMixItem?
> //   My 2 mixture -> Hacky mixture (3): ["MY", 2, mixture]
> hackMix returns [List w = new ArrayList()]: (hackMixItem { $w.add($hackMixItem.text); })+
>          -> template(w={$w})
>             "Hacky mixture (<length(w)>): [<w:{<it>};separator={, }>]"
>        ;
> hackMixItem : rule | rewrite | TOKEN ;
> // Doesn't work; no idea whether anything like it could.
> //   version 3 MIXTURE -> Ideal mix (0): []
> // I know ANTLR stops you from mixing tokens and rules in one list anyway.
> idealMix : (w+=(rule | rewrite | TOKEN))+
>          -> template(w={$w})
>             "Ideal mix (<length(w)>): [<w:{<it>};separator={, }>]"
>        ;
> WS      : (' '|'\t'|'\n')+ {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
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