[antlr-interest] rewrite rule for optional root insertion?

John B. Brodie jbb at acm.org
Thu Apr 5 15:25:08 PDT 2012


On 04/05/2012 08:59 AM, Krešimir Tonković wrote:
> Hi!
> I have many rules like this in my grammar:
> plus_minus_exp :
>      mult_div_exp ('+'^ | '-'^ mult_div_exp)?
> ;
> which produces desired trees:
> 1+2 ->  ^(+ 1 2)
> 1+2*3 ->^(+ 1 ^(* 2 3))
> 2*3 ->  ^(* 2 3)
> for correct operator precedence and no superfluous nodes.
> However, I have some cases where tree operators are not enough. I need more
> control that rewrite rules provide. I have tried with syntactic predicates,
> but I find they hurt the performance of my parser and I would like to avoid
> that.
> How would I rewrite above rule with rewrite rules and no syntactic
> predicates?
> Regards,

Off the top of my head. Untested. Your Mileage May Vary.

pme :
    ( mde -> mde ) // init pme's tree result
       ( ( (o='+' | o='-') mde ) -> ^($o pme mde) )? // reset the result 
using prior

sorry for the abbreviations.

note that the "o=" stuff only works because both alternative assignments 
are tokens.

this is the general idea, hope it gets you going...

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