[antlr-interest] Lexer rule for INTEGER and COMMA_INTEGER

Juancarlo Añez apalala at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 09:30:05 PDT 2012

INTEGER: t=DIGITS ({t.getSize() <= 3}?=> MIL*)?;



DIGIT : '0'..'9';

On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Zhaohui Yang <yezonghui at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a lexer grammar that that has to recognize INTEGER like 1234 and
> COMMA_INTEGER like 1,234,567
> The later integer token has comma in it, and of cause the language has
> other places that use comma, e.g. F(1, x) is valid, which contains "1,"
> that should be recognized as a INTEGER 1 followd by a comma.
> This is similar to the "lexer rule for floating point, integer and range
> operator" example given in ANTLR wiki. There the conflict is around period,
> here it is comma.
> However, I tried the ways suggested by the example, but cannot get it
> right. The following is one version of my lexer rules, using semantic
> predicate:
>     COMMA_INTEGER:(('0'..'9')+ {input.LA(1)==',' && input.LA(2)>='0' &&
> input.LA(2)<='9'}?=>(',' ('0'..'9')+)+);
>     INTEGER:('0'..'9')+;
> This version results in error
>     "rule COMMA_INTEGER failed predicate: {input.LA(1)==',' &&
> input.LA(2)>='0' && input.LA(2)<='9'}? " for input "1, " as in F(1, x)
> The following version uses syntatic predicate
>     COMMA_INTEGER:(('0'..'9')+ (',' ('0'..'9')+)=>(','
> ('0'..'9')+)+);//TODO-COMMA_integer different from RES
>     INTEGER:('0'..'9')+;
> and results in error
>     "required (...)+ loop did not match anything at character ' ' "
>  (charactor SPACE)
> Swapping the order of INTEGER and COMMA_INTEGER does not changed the
> errors.
> So it looks like the lexer is predicting next token without running the
> predicates, i.e. it goes directly to match COMMA_INTEGER upon seeing a
> comma after some digits.
> Any suggestion? Thanks!
> --
> Regards,
> Yang, Zhaohui
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Juancarlo *Añez*

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