Version 1.4.1 - 11/30/2010 TJP updated to compile with ANTLR 3.3. Version 1.4 - 05/09/2010 Bug fix: [AW-261] - Errors highlighting speed improvement Version 1.3.1 - 11/17/2009 Bug fix: [AW-256] - NPE when attempting to debug [AW-257] - Issue parsing IntelliJ build number [AW-258] - Use UTF-8 encoding for debug input file Version 1.3 - 09/26/2009 New Features: [AW-235] - New Grammar Wizard [AW-236] - StringTemplate editor [AW-237] - Custom test rig [AW-238] - Run input on a grammar Bug fix: [AW-223] - NullPointerException when closing ANTLRWorks [AW-230] - cast exception with left recursive grammar [AW-244] - syntax error causes AW to crash [AW-228] - Generated classes are not placed into directories according to package declarations Version 1.2.3 - 02/23/2009 Bug fix: [AW-196] - "Show Decision DFA" gives NullPointerException [AW-197] - NPE when running the interpreter with a project with no associated file on the disk [AW-198] - Debug does not work when the parser is declared to be in a package [AW-202] - Generating the code doesn't work if an error is in the grammar but the generation thread already started [AW-204] - Cannot generate grammar on Windows when file starts with a volume name [AW-215] - Syntax diagrams don't work for composite grammar Improvement: [AW-218] - Select sub-grammar if it is already opened in some grammar window when trying to open it in a stand-alone window Version 1.2.2 - 11/16/2008 Bug fix: [AW-165] - Position history may fail if previous position does not exist anymore in the document [AW-178] - Invalid tree rewrite syntax [AW-182] - Console is not displaying twice the error message from ANTLR [AW-184] - Can't generate syntax diagrams [AW-185] - Plugin doesn't work with IntelliJ 8 [AW-186] - Duplicate classes found in resulting jar file [AW-189] - Index out of bound when specifying ANTLR options starting with a white space [AW-191] - Recursive error dialog if generated file is removed while displayed in the editor [AW-173] - Don't generate the code again if it is already generating it [AW-192] - Interpreter rules pop-up should reflect sorting of the rule tree in the main editor Improvement: [AW-27] - Add support to debug tree grammar from within ANTLRWorks Version 1.2.1 - 10/1/2008 Incorporates ANTLR v3.1.1. Bug fix: [AW-178] Invalid tree rewrite syntax Version 1.2 - 08/31/2008 Bug fix: [AW-164] - Cannot paste text on the debugging input panel if grammar is read-only [AW-177] - Cannot paste text into interpreter when file is read-only [AW-121] - Remove ErrorListener from current thread [AW-153] - Console of the current editor is not set when the frame is activated [AW-155] - Remove prefs for last used symbol in debugger [AW-162] - Quote a path with white space only on Windows when executing a shell command Improvement: [AW-92] - Breakpoint per line and not only per rule as it is the case now [AW-66] - Generate the code by default next to the grammar (see preferences) [AW-141] - Ability to not display certain alert box [AW-149] - Ability to disable the "Check Grammar" success dialog [AW-154] - Full support for split grammar debug [AW-156] - Support for custom file type in IntelliJ [AW-158] - Rule name when exporting syntax diagrams [AW-159] - Generated-code panel should synchronize when generated code changes on the disk [AW-161] - Changed debugger port from 49153 (0xC001) to 49100 [AW-167] - Display optional alert if file is modified on the disk before reloading it [AW-169] - Display alert when file content changed on the disk Version 1.1.7 - 01/31/2008 Bug fix: [AW-151] - Test rig generates the wrong constructor Version 1.1.6 - 01/27/2008 Bug fix: [AW-127] - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException when opening certain files on Linux [AW-129] - Extract rule doesn't respect properly ID boundaries [AW-131] - ANTLR Tool usage is displayed when a grammar file has not been saved [AW-132] - Most keyboard mapping doesn't work for the plugin version inside IntelliJ 7 [AW-134] - Check grammar fails to report an alert to the user when there is an exception during analysis [AW-135] - Check grammar does not report errors and warnings in the early stage of analysis [AW-136] - Disable escape key when closing document because default behavior will close the alert by returning the code NO instead of CANCEL [AW-138] - Console output in debugger does not print out all the lines [AW-143] - Cannot export SD in bitmap format on Windows XP [AW-150] - Syntax diagram are not displayed properly for certain rules Improvement: [AW-130] - Use Metal LAF by default on Linux [AW-133] - DOT path value by default could be "/usr/bin/dot" [AW-139] - Syntax diagram showing warnings/errors consume too much CPU [AW-140] - Number of warnings reported in editor does not reflect the actual number of warnings Version 1.1.5 - 12/01/07 Bug fix: [AW-124] - Highlight decision DFA does not always show inner rule decision [AW-125] - Highlight decision DFA does not display in some situation [AW-126] - Highlight of input token in debugger doesn't display properly for multi-line tokens Improvement: [AW-45] - Handle catch/finally syntax Version 1.1.4 - 10/27/07 Bug fix: [AW-111] - Cannot save file with name ending with 'g' [AW-113] - Memory leak when running the debugger multiple times [AW-114] - Issue matching comment between -> and template name [AW-115] - Shift-tab sometimes takes other lines into account [AW-116] - NPE when exporting EPS/Bitmap in interpreter and debugger [AW-117] - Paste still work when file is read-only [AW-118] - Duplicate messages displayed in the console [AW-119] - Errors/warnings are not consistently reported when checking the grammar Improvement: [AW-110] - Ability to generate the grammar in the same directory as the grammar document [AW-112] - Ability to generate syntax diagram from a grammar file without using the GUI Version 1.1.3 - 09/01/07 Bug fix: [AW-104] - Saving a file without extension will add (null) as extension [AW-105] - Choosing a non-existing directory on Windows/Linux causes a null-pointer exception when exporting rules [AW-107] - Issue when saving last used directory when a file has been selected Improvement [AW-109] - Generate code in the same directory as the current grammar document [AW-108] - Updated with ANTLR 3.0.1 Version 1.1.2 - 08/04/07 Bug fix: [AW-100] - Debugger does not take into account the input file path if it is changed after debugging at least once [AW-101] - Closing a window using the menu command in desktop mode causes the main menu bar to disappear Improvement: [AW-102] - Export all rules into eps or bitmap files [AW-103] - New application and Mac OS X document icon Version 1.1.1 - 07/29/07 Bug fix: [AW-98] - Fail to detect external file modification in desktop mode [AW-97] - Error messages are not reset when checking the grammar [AW-99] - Find does not wrap when reaching end/beginning of document Version 1.1 - 07/22/07 New feature: [AW-94] - Ability to choose a text file for the debugger input within ANTLRWorks Improvement: [AW-71] - Floating window should remember last size when detached [AW-82] - Add ctrl-d to "delete char under cursor" as in emacs [AW-85] - Double-click on the GoToRule popup now jumps to the rule [AW-86] - Added Visual Studio-style auto-completion menu [AW-87] - Double/triple click to select word + extending selection + dragging of word/line [AW-89] - Visual clue when the grammar is not saved when not on Mac OS X [AW-91] - Fix Find and Replace Dialog and add alert when reaching the beginning/end of document [AW-93] - Decision DFA grammar highlighting [AW-95] - Improve tree rendering speed on screen Bug fix: [AW-76] - Export Bitmap for syntax diagram does not work [AW-79] - Disable CTRL-Z when debuggin in text editor (check other shortcuts also) [AW-80] - Yellow triangle is visible over the bottom component of the window when scrolling with the editor [AW-81] - Display an additional / after a complex comment [AW-84] - Plugin does not save the editor when Save Project is invoked Version 1.0.2 - 06/01/07 Bug fix: [AW-72] - Grammar is generated and compiled each time the debugger is invoked even if nothing changed [AW-73] - Change ANTLR 3 template to allow the debugger port to be specified Version 1.0.1 - 05/27/07 Bug fix: [AW-48] - IntelliJ 6 does not always quit after running ANTLRWorks plugin debugger [AW-51] - Find dialog replaces even non-matching text and performs replace with previous find value [AW-53] - Wrong version of ST included in the jar (2.3b10 instead of 3.0.1) [AW-55] - Freezes when opening the Find dialog in desktop mode on Windows [AW-56] - Don't change the string quote (double/single) in actions when refactoring [AW-57] - Creating a new rule automatically introduces always a new line [AW-59] - Window menu does not select the correct window if a panel is visible (like the Find panel) [AW-61] - AST tree node is not correctly selected when selecting input token "class" in the attached grammar [AW-62] - Decision does not show up for assignment ref (in rule stat) [AW-63] - Opening ANTLRWorks from the Mac OS X Finder by double-clicking a grammar file fails [AW-64] - CTRL-F10 does not work on Windows in desktop mode [AW-67] - There are some hard coded links to icons that prevent ANTLRWorks to launch correctly [AW-68] - Read-only document prevents menu shortcut to be invoked [AW-52] - Bring windows to the front when show() is invoked [AW-58] - Move the last closed document to the top of the Recent Files list [AW-60] - In desktop mode, the grammar text area is not focused at startup [AW-65] - Generate test-ring with a different port number to avoid conflict under Windows Vista [AW-69] - Shift-HOME or Shift-END do not select the line on Mac OS X [AW-50] - Merged XJLib into ANTLR project Version 1.0 - 05/17/07 New feature: [AW-41] - Added a desktop-mode where all windows are in a "desktop" frame (mostly for Windows/Linux) Bug fix: [AW-2] - When dialog box is closed, focus automatically to the main window [AW-38] - Mismatched DBEvent during debugging [AW-39] - Re-open all closed documents may fail to display something on Windows/Linux if no document is found [AW-40] - Windows position are stored in such a way in the preferences that they might cause key length issues [AW-24] - Make sure a window is visible in one of the available screen [AW-42] - Always "guess" the rules to ignore before running the interpreter [AW-44] - Able to generate grammar for language other than Java from within ANTLRWorks [AW-47] - Do not expand all subtree after they have been collapsed Version 1.0b11 - 04/23/07 New feature: [AW-8] - Backup file [AW-15] - Use the Tab key to indent/unindent text [AW-25] - Add command-line options for ANTLR [AW-33] - Optional generation and compilation step before debugging Bug fix: [AW-26] - Null pointer exception when generating a tree parser grammar [AW-28] - Syntax coloring does take into account empty rewrite syntax [AW-29] - Syntax coloring reports an error when using double-quoted string in an argument block [AW-30] - Interpreter does not ignore rules with $channel=HIDDEN; [AW-34] - Plugin in IntelliJ for Windows reports incorrect grammar name while it is correct [AW-35] - Error when compiling a grammar within IntelliJ on Windows [AW-36] - Rules grouping causes ANTLRWorks to run out of heap space Version 1.0b10 - 04/15/07 - requires Java 1.5 - new Online Help (in progress) - can now display the line numbers in the grammar editor - simple print capability - ability to debug again (after having launched the debugger once in the current session) - syntax coloring parser has been rewritten - ability to jump to tokens defined in the options block - reverted file extension to *.g only - Mac OS X document icon (thanks Abe) - save the last used path in the open/save dialogs - minor UI and table enhancement - fixed a bug when double-clicking a word: selection would be incorrect - fixed a bug when trying to generate a parser/lexer from a tree grammar (would loop forever) Bug fixes: [AW-1] - Rename fails to rename reference inside rewrite rule [AW-5] - Tree highlight in Windows is too dark [AW-6] - Incorrect syntax error with double-quoted string inside ST function [AW-7] - Invalid syntax error for double-quoted string in ST [AW-9] - Null pointer exception when displaying the DFA for the decision in rule a [AW-19] - Make the personal info dialog optional [AW-22] - AST node not found in specific situation [AW-23] - Debugger panels are incorrectly resized when a split pane divider is moved Version 1.0b9 - 02/20/07 - removed message to console when trying to create the syntax diagram - improved ability to cancel the grammar checking operation - can open now files with extension g, gl, gp and gtp. - fixed a bug where inline template where incorrectly flagged as "syntax error" - fixed a bug introduced in b8 that prevented syntax diagram from being displayed when moving the caret in the text pane - fixed a bug where error reporting was not working properly if generating a grammar after checking it Version 1.0b8 - 12/04/06 - fixed a bug where package name with dot would fail to be correctly parsed - fixed a bug where creating a new document would fail - fixed a bug where checking the grammar would make the current syntax diagram go away - fixed a bug where checking twice a grammar containing one or more errors would fail to report the errors the second time Version 1.0b7 - 12/03/06 - handles now the "package" statement found in the @header block (both parser and lexer) - new idea to convert invalid grammar name - prefs: auto-indent on colon in rule can be disabled now - interpreter now correctly identify rules to ignore when using skip() in action - display the read/write state of each grammar document (disable editing if grammar is read-only) - fixed the default size of the preferences window that was too small - fixed various end of line problem on Windows causing syntax coloring and debugger token highlighting to fail - fixed a bug where the AST/Parse tree contextual menu would not work when the focus was not in the panel - fixed a bug where generating code for a read-only grammar could result in an infinite loop - fixed a bug where the window size/position would not be recorded when AW is closed - fixed a bug where an editor thread would not be stopped when a document was closed - fixed a bug where the end of line pop-up menu in the debugger input dialog would be populated twice - fixed a bug in the interpreter where the "guess" button would not work properly - fixed a bug in the debugger where the red cursor would not be displayed on Java 1.4 Version 1.0b6 - 11/18/06 - added line endings preferences in debugger input text dialog and interpreter panel - read now the token vocab file from the output path (in addition to the default grammar location) - output path is now specified in the preferences - alert after checking grammar - added shift-delete to behave like delete when typing with the shift key pressed - fixed a bug when storing strings greated than 8KB (it is now truncated and an alert is displayed) - fixed a bug that prevented some DFA diagram from being completely displayed (scrollable zone too small) - fixed a bug in the syntax coloring parser when a multi-line comment where located at the end of file - fixed a bug where some menu items were not disabled in debug mode - fixed a bug where AST node where not correctly added when a node became parent (nil node) - fixed a bug where errors in the grammar where not reported when checking or generating the grammar Version 1.0b5 - 10/22/06 - allow traversal of bundle on Mac OS X when choosing files - fixed bug in syntax coloring with escape character - plugin: now clear the read-only status Version 1.0b4 - 09/28/06 - added menu shortcut for Generate Code - fixed a bug where the tab settings were ignored in the editor - fixed a bug that would prevent AW to run on Fedora Core 5 Version 1.0b3 - 09/13/06 - fixed a bug where checking the DOT tool existence would fail with white space in the path - fixed a bug where saving a document without path would fail Version 1.0b2 - 09/03/06 - clear console status message when console is cleared - save automatically the position and size of each project's window - new startup option: open last saved document, open all opened documents when ANTLRWorks was closed - fixed a bug where the cursor highlighting couldn't be turned off - fixed a bug in text rendering that prevented the cursor to be positioned at the correct location - fixed a bug in the text rendering that prevented the selected text to be highlighted correctly Version 1.0b1 - 08/26/06 - new real-time syntax coloring - IntelliJ plugin integration - improved debugger UI with detachable panels - improved speed when checking grammar (delay creation of error paths) - prefs: can specify now ANTLR 3 classpath - handle NonRegularDecisionMessage errors - display Out Of Memory error - rules are sorted in the debugger input dialog - do not analyze the grammar when debugging remotely - mark the grammar as dirty if the file is modified outside ANTLRWorks - resize view when graphic elements are moved (DFA decision, etc) - toggle buttons in toolbar are now correctly selected/deselected - list have now a white background on Windows/Linux - source code available (BSD license) - fixed a bug that would prevent small error paths from being displayed in the syntax diagram - fixed a bug where performing some menu commands would failed on Windows/Linux (mostly cut and paste) - fixed a bug where dialogs would not be displayed in the same screen as the parent frame in multi-screen environment - fixed a bug that would prevent decision DFA to be displayed if the first token of a rule was not in the same line as the colon - fixed a bug where a path with white space in it could make the compilation to fail Version 1.0ea11 - 07/05/06 - includes ANTLR 3.0b2 Version 1.0ea10 - 06/28/06 - includes ANTLR 3.0b1 - fixed null pointer exception when display a syntax diagram Version 1.0ea9 - 06/02/06 - debugger: display now AST tree during debugging - debugger: can debug tree grammar (display input tree) - debugger: can step over a rule - parse tree in debugger shows backtrack nodes (colorized) - show now Tokens DFA - can now export decision DFA and rule dependency graph as DOT file - new replace all feature in find dialog - generated code coloring has been disabled - auto-save document before debugging and generating code for display - generate parser if document has been modified since last generation - more precise message when log are reported to the console (warnings or errors) - more information are reported in the events list of the debugger - debugger: output pane and information pane are now hidden by default - debugger: new method to select the break event(s) - debugger: message if remote parser's grammar file does not match current file - tab are reused for the same operation rather than populating - remote parser launch time-out can be specified in the preferences - syntax: added exception clause of rule - stats can be sent without launching AW (-stats to submit and -stats -erase to erase stats) - fixed a bug in the DOT engine that could prevent a DOT graph to be correctly displayed - fixed a bug where ANTLRWorks would freeze when replacing literals with token label - fixed a bug where stats about programming and language implementation experience were inverted Version 1.0ea8 - 03/11/06 - new: rule dependency graph (can be exported to EPS or bitmap file) - new: syntax coloring for generated Java code - new: references, comments and strings are now colorized inside actions - new: contextual menus in editor, syntax diagram, interpreter and debugger - new: user can now specify tokens to be ignored in interpreter - new: syntax colors can be changed in the preferences - new: display of unreachable alternatives in the syntax diagram - parse tree (interpreter/debugger) can now be scrolled by clicking and dragging the mouse - new idea to convert invalid string literals to single quote literals - new message in status bar if an error is reported in the console - ctrl-k: now copy the deleted end of line to the system clipboard - ctrl-t: now swap two characters (insert templates is now invoked using meta-k) - click in the debug parse tree will show corresponding token in input stream and position in grammar - kill the remote parser if the debugger cannot stop it (not applicable to remote parser) - update the rules status and syntax diagram each time the grammar is analyzed (not only when using the Check Grammar command) - improved ANTLR usage by running ANTLR only when necessary - rules are now sorted in interpreter and debugger if they are sorted in the editor - disabling syntax diagram now display a message - now reload the tokenVocab file content when ANTLRWorks is back to front - improved selection of a identifier - improved word selection using the mouse: dragging the mouse without releasing the button now extends the selection word by word (as expected on Mac OS X) - improved decision DFA diagram using more precise B-splines - added an arrow at the end of each syntax diagram - check grammar command now also analyzes the lexer part of a combined grammar - improved current select path in syntax diagram when switching path visiblity - improved syntax diagram display (colored label and smaller size) - fixed a bug where auto-indentation would be applied for a ':' even inside an action block - fixed a bug where some tokens were not properly colorized (cut and past the same token over itself) - fixed a bug where the file content was not properly parsed if modified outside ANTLRWorks - fixed a bug where the analysis indicator was colored improperly - fixed a bug where Go To Character would be off by one character - fixed a bug when reading the tokenVocab file (was missing the first character) - fixed a bug where ANTLR would not be able to read the tokenVocab file (missing path) - fixed a bug in the code generation (problem with grammar name) - fixed a bug in the syntax diagram engine where a link from a rule to another rule would start at the wrong state - fixed a bug in the syntax diagram path drawing where some paths were not correctly rendered Version 1.0ea7 - 12/15/05 - fixed a bug which prevented ANTLRWorks to launch on Windows Version 1.0ea6 - 12/14/05 - new: graphical representation of the parse tree (interpreter and debugger) that can also be exported to bitmap or eps - new: show artificial Tokens rule - new: click on an input token (debugger) selects the corresponding token in the grammar and in the parse tree - new: breakpoints in input text (right-click to toggle the breakpoint on any tokens) - new: breakpoints in grammar now works (click in the editor gutter to enable/disable them) - new: convert literal quote refactoring tools (to single, to double or c-style quote) - new: now available as a bundle for Mac OS X (can now drag a grammar file to its icon in the dock) - new: handle now the tokenVocab options - improved debugger: display the event where the debugger stopped at - improved decision DFA: vectorial representation where states can be moved using the mouse - improved decision DFA: exportable to EPS and bitmap image - improved export to EPS: file size has been reduced by up to 1/2 of the previous generated size - improved show generated code: automatically generate the code if needed - improved: auto-scrolling when following ambiguous paths in syntax diagram - improved: smooth scrolling when jumping to rule in the grammar - move caret to decision location when displaying DFA decision - rules list can be sorted (group are not sorted) - can open the file using Perforce automatically when saving it if it was closed - debugger input text is now saved and restored in preferences - improved caret visibility with wider caret in grammar text - improved message redirection to editor console - improved debugger token outline when a token spans on multiple lines - improved underlying menu update system - report a message if ANTLR installation is corrupted Version 1.0ea5 - 11/13/05 - new: display syntax diagram and NFA for lexer rules - new: export syntax diagram and NFA to eps file (File>Export Rule>As EPS...) - new: inline and extract rule refactoring - added optional path to javac in the preferences - added output text pane in debugger (all System.out from the parser are redirected to this pane) - added break on exception in debugger - added regex expression in the Find dialog - added "Find Text at Caret" and modified menu shortcut for "Find Previous" - added invalid character literal detection - improved caret jump to position by centering the text - improved syntax coloring to match more of ANTLR 3 specification (label, tokens block, etc) - improved display decision NFA: doesn't require an exact caret position anymore - improved rule folding: can now fold using the bottom anchor - re-introduced actions folding (anchors can be disabled in the preferences) - expand or collapse all rules or actions - improved Go To Rule: ignore case and display typed text in red if no match found - improved debugger connection to remote parser (threaded) - build and debug/debug: the starting rule pop-up menu has been moved to the input text dialog - improved the build & debug feature to include the ANTLRWorks jar itself in the classpath - hide and disable ideas during debugging - display a message if the syntax diagram cannot be displayed - display warning message if ANTLR 2.x grammars detected - changed debugger port from 2005 to 0xC001 (49153) - fixed a bug where the undo/redo menu item title would not display the correct action name - fixed a bug in the Find dialog where some pattern would cause an exception (didn't quote in the regex) - fixed a bug which would prevent drag and drop of rules to work on Windows - fixed a bug where not all messages would be displayed in the console (added group "idle") - fixed a bug where applying the preferences would apply the current look and feel (not needed) Version 1.0ea4 - 10/22/05 - find and replace - ideas actions - rule folding (experimental) - duplicates rules are now underlined in blue - undefined rules are now underlined in red - rules can now be grouped and displayed in a tree view - auto-indentation (enabled also on ':', '|' and ';' characters) - show decision DFA (using DOT tool defined in the preferences) - replace literal with token label - remove left recursion (one or all) - insert rule from template - new analysis column displaying the location and kind of errors and warnings - support Perforce SCM commands - console moved from Window menu to project's window - improved console with events list - refactored the main menu bar - remove collapse/expand actions - will reintroduce that later on - improved drag and drop visual feedback (can now drop below or above a rule) - improved auto-completion (context sensitive) - removed duplicate names in auto-completion - current line is now highlighted - display line and column number in bottom status bar - HOME/END key move to beginning/end of line - can now navigate backward/forward - rules have now icon in the tree view - go to rule now move the cursor to the beginning of the rule instead of selecting it - new toolbar - prefs: auto-save every n minutes - prefs: syntax coloring parser delay - prefs: can now specify the colors of each type of token in the debugger input text panel - prefs: can specify rule folding (experimental yet) - include a pre-version of ANTLR 3.0ea6 - fixed a bug where a new document created on Windows would not be correctly colorized - fixed several visual bugs on Windows and Linux Version 1.0ea3 - 07/04/05 - compatible with ANTLR 3.0ea5 - fixed a bug where generating lexer/parser without saving the grammar to a file would fail - fixed a bug where the first Look and Feel pop-up item could not be applied - fixed a bug where error during code generation would not be reported - fixed the bug where grammar file containing Windows new line (\r\n) would not be parsed correctly -> including associated features like copy, cut, colorization, rule selection, debugger location, etc. Version 1.0ea2 - 06/12/05 - added a launch parameter to specify a file to open at startup ("-f /document/example.g") - improved immediate colorization for comments and carriage returns - console is hidden by default (can be changed in preferences) - application is closed on Linux/Windows when the last project window is closed and an auxiliary window is still open (Console, Preferences or About dialog) - fixed a bug where ANTLRWorks would quit on Windows/Linux if the last opened project was not found Version 1.0ea1 - 06/01/05 - first release to the public (no source)