[antlr-interest] Grammar Problem

johnclarke72 johnclarke at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 16 11:10:31 PDT 2002

I am having some problems with an ANTLR grammer that I wrote.  

Basically when I compile the grammar I get the following warning 
message :

warning: lexical nondeterminism between rules STARTTAG and ENDTAG upon
teeny.g:0:      k==1:'<'

When I run my final Java Application and enter :
<i>This is a test</i>

I get the following :

TEXT : This
TEXT : is
TEXT : a
TEXT : test
exception: antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException: unexpected char: /

How can I resolve this error ?  I would be gratefull for all adviced 
offered.  The grammar and Java code have been added to this message.

Thanks in advance


The Grammar :

class TeenyLexer extends Lexer;

STARTTAG : "<" ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' )+ ">";
ENDTAG   : "</" ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' )+ ">";
WORD     : ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' )+;

// whitespace
WS      :       (       ' '
                |       '\t'
		|	'\r' '\n' { newline(); }
		|	'\n' { newline(); }
		{$setType(Token.SKIP);}	//ignore this token

class TeenyParser extends Parser;

startProcessing :
   {System.out.println("TEXT : "+text.getText());}
   | startTag:STARTTAG
   {System.out.println("STARTTAG : "+startTag.getText());}
   | endTag:ENDTAG
   {System.out.println("ENDTAG : "+endTag.getText());}

The Java App :

import java.io.*;
import antlr.*;

class TeenyParserApp

   public static void main(String[] args)
         TeenyLexer lexer = new TeenyLexer(new DataInputStream
         TokenBuffer buffer = new TokenBuffer(lexer);
         TeenyParser parser = new TeenyParser(buffer);
      } catch(Exception e)
          System.err.println("exception: "+e);


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