AST with Scope Re: [antlr-interest] Re: Can Resolvers etc be written as ANTLR tree parsers?

Matthew Ford Matthew.Ford at
Tue Jan 14 18:28:47 PST 2003

See below for an example of carrying around the scope with the AST node.

(Sorry the code has some other specific stuff in it also)

/* AD V1.0
 * (c)Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd.

import antlr.CommonAST;
import antlr.Token;
import antlr.collections.AST;


/** A CommonAST which also stores scope
 * also adds flag to indicate if
 * result of this node is optimized diagonal matrix
public class CommonASTWithScope extends CommonAST
       implements GAUSS_AD_PARSERTokenTypes {

    protected Scope scope=null; // save the scope

    protected SymbolTableEntry tableEntry = null;

    static private GaussADWalkerPrinter printer = new

    private int line = 0;  // for line numbers

    public int getLine(){
         return line;

    public CommonASTWithScope() {

    public CommonASTWithScope(Token tok) {
   tableEntry = new SymbolTableEntry(tok.getText());

    public void initialize(AST t) {
     if (t instanceof CommonASTWithScope) {
      // set scope and table entry
       Scope tmpScope = ((CommonASTWithScope)t).getScope();
       if (tmpScope != null) {
        //scope = tmpScope.cloneScope();
        scope = tmpScope;  // should clone here but need to sort out
      // clone tableEntry
      tableEntry =

    public void initialize(int t, String txt) {
     tableEntry = new SymbolTableEntry(txt);

    // over rides entry text with this txt
    public void initialize(int t, String txt, SymbolTableEntry entry) {
     tableEntry = new SymbolTableEntry(txt,entry);

    private void setTokenType(int t) {
     if (t == ONE) {
     } else if (t==ZERO) {
     } else if (t==NUM_FLOAT) {

    public void initialize(Token t) {
     tableEntry = new SymbolTableEntry(t.getText());

    * Set the token text for this node
    * This clears the symbolTableEntry
    public void setText(String text) {
     tableEntry = new SymbolTableEntry(text);

   /** Get the first child of this node; null if not children */
    public CommonASTWithScope getChild() {
    return (CommonASTWithScope) super.getFirstChild();

    /** Get the next sibling in line after this one */
    public CommonASTWithScope getSibling() {
       return (CommonASTWithScope) super.getNextSibling();

   /** Is node t equal to this in terms of token type and text?
    * use Scope identsEqual to control ignore Case
    public boolean equals(AST t) {
   if ( t==null ) return false;
   return Scope.identsEqual(this.getText(),t.getText()) &&
         this.getType() == t.getType();

   /** Is node t equal to this in terms of token type and text?
    * use Scope identsEqual to control ignore Case
    public boolean identEquals(String str) {
   if ( str==null ) return false;
   return Scope.identsEqual(this.getText(),str);

    public void setScope(Scope scope) {
     this.scope = scope;

    public Scope getScope() {

    public void setSymbolTableEntry(SymbolTableEntry entry) {
      tableEntry = entry;  // don't clone

    public SymbolTableEntry getSymbolTableEntry() {
     return tableEntry;

     * return true if this node represents
     * a diagional matrix by only saving the
     * diagional vector.
    public boolean isOptimizedDiag() {
     if (tableEntry == null) {
      return false;
     } // else {
     return tableEntry.isOptimizedDiag();

  // walk along the siblings and for each sibling do all children
 public CommonASTWithScope replaceAll(CommonASTWithScope t,
CommonASTWithScope target, CommonASTWithScope replacement) {
  CommonASTWithScope result = null;
  if (t == null) {
   return t;
//   System.out.println("input: " +t.toStringList());
//   System.out.println("target " +target.toStringList());
//   System.out.println("replacement " + replacement.toStringList());

    if (t.equalsTree(target)) {
     result = (CommonASTWithScope)AST_Utils.astFactory.dupTree(replacement);
//System.out.println(" root equals target result="+result.toStringList());
    } else {
     result = (CommonASTWithScope)AST_Utils.astFactory.dup(t);
//System.out.println(" root not equal check children of " +
    if ( t.getFirstChild()!=null ) {

target, replacement));
//System.out.println(" finished root now do siblings");

  CommonASTWithScope nt = result; // now do siblings
   while (t != null) {      // for each sibling of the root
   t = (CommonASTWithScope)t.getNextSibling();
   if (t!= null) {
    nt.setNextSibling(replaceAll((CommonASTWithScope)t, target,
    nt = (CommonASTWithScope)nt.getNextSibling();

// System.out.println("result "+ result.toStringList());
   return result;

----- Original Message -----
From: "John D. Mitchell" <johnm-antlr at>
To: <antlr-interest at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 5:45 AM
Subject: [antlr-interest] Re: Can Resolvers etc be written as ANTLR tree

> >>>>> "micheal" == micheal jor <open zone at virgin net>
< at> writes:
> [...]
> >> The trick is to build the initial AST with sufficient information. :-)
> >> canonical example seems to be mapping back to the source with position
> >> information.
> > Isn't this a Lexer issue?. Ensuring the info is captured by the lexer in
> > the first place?
> There's two primary facets to the problem:
> * Gathering the information in the first place
> * Propagating the information through the intervening stages
> to where you need it.
> [...]
> >> * create auxiliary structues that you thread through the tree
> > An example would be?
> Use-def/def-use chains.  [I.e., chaining together all of the uses of e.g.,
> a variable with the definition of that variable.]
> >>> If there are examples of resolvers etc written as ANTLR tree parsers,
> >>> I'd appreciate a link/sample.
> >> In this context, what do you mean by "resolvers"?
> > A processing entity that traverses an AST and links ID nodes to their
> > defining occurences, resolving overloads and expression types. [Might
> > make mutiple traversals.]
> Use an auxiliarly stack to track scoping.  Of course, that can become more
> complicated depending on your source language.
> For use before definition, you can create a lookaside list per scope where
> you save the references to those uses and resolve them either when you
> to the definition or when you leave the scope or when you've completed the
> traversal -- again, it depends a lot on the semantics of your language.
> Take care,
> John
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