[antlr-interest] Can't Use Subclass LLkParser?

wnreynolds grendel at swcp.com
Sun May 4 16:26:52 PDT 2003

(cross posted to jGuru forum).
I'm using the latest version (2.7.2) of antlr. I want to specify
something like

<font size=2>
class SubGrammar extends Parser (Foo) ;

so that my gramamr inherits off my custom subclass Foo of LLkParser.

Looking at antlr.g, this seems to be allowed (code from antlr.g
attached at end of this post).

Trying to compile the following simple grammar:

<font size=2>

    import antlr.*;

class SubGrammar extends Parser (Foo) ;

rule: "rule";


<font size=2><pre>
ANTLR Parser Generator   Version 2.7.2   1989-2003 jGuru.com
SubGrammar.g:10:33: expecting SEMI, found '(Foo)'

I tried debugging antlr, and the '(Foo)' token was correctly consumed
by the superClass rule in antlr.g, as was the terminal SEMI (see
below), but antlr still gives the error.

Any thoughts?

Bill Reynolds

(relevant excerpts fron antlr.g follow)

<font size=2>
parserSpec[String doc]
	Token idTok;
	String sup=null;
	:	"class"
		idTok = id
		(	"extends" "Parser"
		|	{
			antlrTool.warning("use 'class X extends Parser'", getFilename(),
idTok.getLine(), idTok.getColumn());
//			System.out.println("warning: line " +
//				idTok.getLine() + ": use 'class X extends Parser'");
		{behavior.startParser(getFilename(), idTok, sup, doc);}
		{ behavior.endOptions(); }
		( a:ACTION {behavior.refMemberAction(a);} )?

superClass returns [String sup]
			{sup = LT(1).getText();}


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